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Refining District Louisiana Gulf Coast Refinery Net Input of Kerosene and Light Oils (Thousand Barrels)
Refining District Louisiana Gulf Coast Refinery Net Input of Kerosene and Light Oils (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2005 638 638 334 1,226 642 878 -109 620 -176 -324 40 -305
  2006 -1,210 -563 -230 -880 -108 149 2,135 582 867 1,134 -75 364
  2007 -448 1,456 590 -416 1,048 530 -351 395 396 382 980 1,200
  2008 1,471 1,124 1,757 2,567 1,120 754 1,847 1,489 253 1,538 1,036 2,516
  2009 1,168 1,763 1,371 1,256 1,349 1,878 2,152 1,827 3,073 2,416 1,839 1,804
  2010 1,569 725 1,956 1,611 2,252 1,842 2,524 1,448 2,091 1,787 1,967 2,499
  2011 1,879 890 2,034 1,827 1,814 -620 -58 -940 1,544 1,112 819 759
  2012 -46 1,159 795 1,301 882 1,616 -978 -370 -1,198 539 -102 944
  2013 695 512 1,609 1,035 1,303 493 -255 405 -850 695 820 265
  2014 -53 156 -382 362 656 846 -757 435 785 163 -1,074 949
  2015 475 224 469 307 534 461 -447 127 550 -98 -119 334
  2016 343 233 349 313 273 844 303 589 609 1,348 1,721 1,517
  2017 -76 252 -636 -1,558 1,139 1,513 892 1,360 1,863 1,168 1,263 994
  2018 995 1,258 1,652 851 1,625 1,308 1,579 808 -318 -1,902 -105 1,531
  2019 952 604 2,264 1,848 1,292 1,651 966 1,269 1,053 669 2,001 2,110
  2020 1,903 811 511 91 385 -108 777 621 52 349 -67 -48
  2021 -114 301 661 -985 -756 354 526 625 120 -292 667 872
  2022 138 -828 -35 -275 -293 68 235 267 -152 37 -455 182
  2023 -1,198 -100 480 228 -28 -751 -559 -849 -1,600 -1,496 320 664
  2024 105 218 -357 491 -253 656 563 -75 457 1,043 111

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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