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U.S. Blender Net Input of Fuel Ethanol (Thousand Barrels)
U.S. Blender Net Input of Fuel Ethanol (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2005 6,432 6,004 6,675 6,139 6,539 6,696 6,970 7,102 6,537 7,300 7,323 7,768
  2006 7,268 6,761 7,359 8,121 10,312 10,868 10,297 10,328 9,863 10,977 10,544 11,103
  2007 10,714 9,963 10,753 10,086 10,750 10,793 11,070 11,168 10,824 11,872 11,638 12,179
  2008 12,439 12,269 13,163 13,234 15,005 15,174 15,935 16,393 15,694 18,017 17,510 17,939
  2009 17,469 16,537 18,526 18,633 19,404 19,459 20,214 20,238 19,418 21,081 20,167 21,531
  2010 20,740 19,721 22,609 22,465 23,381 22,865 24,093 24,006 22,681 23,853 22,832 23,861
  2011 22,290 21,055 23,768 23,108 23,800 23,780 24,323 24,826 23,287 24,029 23,101 24,140
  2012 22,328 22,168 24,053 23,511 24,858 24,510 24,950 25,451 23,404 24,758 23,547 23,895
  2013 22,748 21,523 24,562 24,158 25,527 24,833 25,517 26,004 24,141 25,613 24,340 24,842
  2014 23,733 22,221 25,206 24,889 26,305 25,297 26,207 26,318 24,730 25,978 24,589 25,609
  2015 24,717 23,038 25,777 25,420 26,637 26,233 27,141 27,112 25,692 26,735 25,029 25,959
  2016 24,864 24,453 26,430 26,018 27,204 26,997 27,652 27,945 26,378 27,111 25,860 26,586
  2017 24,801 23,434 27,019 26,049 27,701 27,220 27,552 28,078 25,946 27,292 26,009 26,635
  2018 25,053 23,628 27,047 26,102 27,929 27,144 27,569 28,206 26,012 27,562 26,310 26,435
  2019 25,394 23,419 26,831 26,396 27,817 26,899 27,852 28,282 26,050 27,539 26,072 26,282
  2020 25,379 24,492 22,647 15,793 20,571 23,353 24,809 25,036 23,900 24,869 22,799 23,278
  2021 22,462 20,670 25,113 25,336 26,641 26,310 27,194 27,092 25,661 26,420 25,387 25,595
  2022 23,293 22,850 25,870 25,307 26,702 25,796 26,140 26,876 25,549 26,304 25,237 25,466
  2023 24,272 23,117 26,053 25,469 27,114 26,149 26,615 27,307 25,370 26,480 25,265 25,102
  2024 23,927 23,661 25,810 25,566 27,167 25,832 26,629 27,062 25,208

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 11/29/2024
Next Release Date: 12/31/2024

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