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West Coast (PADD 5) Imports by PADD of Processing from Argentina of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)
West Coast (PADD 5) Imports by PADD of Processing from Argentina of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1994 1,151 60
  1995 0 0 0 0 0 712 703 765 0 0 0 0
  1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  1997 1,413 0 809 0 830 160 400 1,163 2,006 1,971 402 402
  1998 807 402 401 843 382 769 400 782 1,202 1,158 687 669
  1999 2,470 1,977 389 1,766 380 1,175 1,312 790 0 0 1,082 1,238
  2000 922 1,646 104 557 154 1,477 2,026 1,179 2,398 824 1,048 869
  2001 1,418 944 413 935 1,385 878 884 949 983 413 1,536 1,224
  2002 1,872 429 1,395 983 1,075 1,520 2,877 2,035 773 2,329 2,483 1,933
  2003 1,305 500 1,000 925 1,721 3,144 2,244 1,721 1,662 1,824 1,267 2,369
  2004 1,397 1,628 1,356 2,564 1,602 1,463 1,972 1,406 1,461 1,308 1,035 1,410
  2005 1,487 1,240 1,306 1,450 875 2,329 1,445 1,931 1,437 1,570 1,801 1,101
  2006 1,399 1,147 1,858 394 674 651 1,075 523 700 1,043 542
  2007 150 813 815 133 617 438 189 819 1,114 1,091
  2008 826 1,305 1,466 924 695 703 643
  2009 1,382 553 1,011 2,168 739 1,199 1,529 903 693 747 1,009
  2010 1,488 1,014 484 476 984 1,012 1,035 1,554
  2011 1,765 397 1,710 598 540 501 355 1,605 422 351 1,286 157
  2012 1,213 984 624 963 1,012 1,106 1,229 209 360
  2013 388 1,001 993 517
  2014 1,039 968 1,041 396 650 1,558 423 1,025 1,004 700
  2015 934 695 981 617 423 805 5 839
  2016 819 696 399 482 461
  2018 1,034 1,697 477 234 988 1,022
  2019 2,033 281 747 1,031 695 299 474 220 994
  2020 268 724 1,015 1,979 1,853 1,319 368 361
  2021 1,071 438 505 475 580 1,230 931 1,659 389 948 1,904
  2022 2,121 559 1,461 2,491 1,473 1,393 1,770 948 1,321 2,390 2,533 1,396
  2023 1,480 483 914 471 1,419 967 1,688 1,911 2,269 1,410 2,526 2,199
  2024 1,813 2,347 695 1,622 3,635 1,302 2,291 2,648 1,533 2,095

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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