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U.S. Stocks at Tank Farms of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
U.S. Stocks at Tank Farms of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2007 206,218 201,540 208,332 218,463 228,113 228,573 215,062 200,939 188,447 185,913 180,290 174,050
  2008 180,019 186,925 194,026 194,948 185,800 180,597 179,230 183,803 185,781 194,547 204,358 216,550
  2009 231,922 233,350 240,459 249,137 240,455 229,787 230,347 220,302 221,076 218,144 219,288 212,168
  2010 218,884 225,446 237,373 241,334 240,280 243,099 238,214 240,702 244,202 246,599 236,036 218,783
  2011 231,553 237,851 240,812 246,753 244,818 234,429 226,776 229,121 215,156 217,554 217,706 214,430
  2012 223,190 228,416 247,028 256,963 265,325 263,831 248,054 241,812 249,529 252,525 251,165 242,665
  2013 251,182 257,414 262,168 265,645 265,432 255,022 244,258 234,814 250,449 256,093 249,760 238,499
  2014 244,917 254,029 256,459 264,917 262,031 255,364 241,787 239,127 236,438 250,981 253,191 261,120
  2015 284,194 312,032 336,882 345,637 342,063 332,961 323,037 320,753 324,002 345,007 349,187 344,259
  2016 364,798 378,043 398,409 402,238 402,292 391,712 385,674 383,340 368,856 386,131 386,919 387,832
  2017 403,015 420,491 430,638 420,055 411,133 397,861 380,246 361,092 369,267 357,506 349,420 321,901
  2018 317,770 324,255 324,875 332,065 326,684 311,780 307,900 305,023 313,265 333,502 348,590 346,307
  2019 347,511 353,134 359,300 364,639 374,536 361,585 344,535 335,870 334,364 347,654 351,294 335,628
  2020 346,333 354,432 379,387 428,205 426,048 432,034 423,582 407,988 405,059 403,471 410,256 397,861
  2021 388,046 396,224 407,071 392,837 383,875 356,014 346,031 329,820 330,908 344,666 342,775 334,801
  2022 321,154 320,050 329,142 327,358 326,757 327,081 329,414 331,192 338,606 349,045 330,222 339,599
  2023 367,071 379,169 373,347 363,956 367,005 359,714 350,777 327,390 330,210 332,896 349,291 334,213
  2024 335,582 353,964 354,401 370,094 362,904 349,335 333,626 327,593 325,084 333,939 327,742

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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