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Midwest (PADD 2) Refinery and Blender Net Input of Biodiesel (Thousand Barrels)
Midwest (PADD 2) Refinery and Blender Net Input of Biodiesel (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2009 46 43 50 65 106 99 98 106 122 120 118 91
  2010 63 63 88 147 117 114 115 124 131 151 103 83
  2011 72 86 122 137 188 228 218 261 283 264 222 203
  2012 269 178 193 270 321 339 343 388 384 339 284 191
  2013 268 272 332 378 423 388 498 513 507 541 456 404
  2014 368 334 422 472 485 503 552 540 536 500 391 344
  2015 340 312 389 522 496 520 506 510 533 439 331 343
  2016 318 340 402 470 501 535 533 619 587 548 442 395
  2017 369 331 424 471 550 539 465 535 505 460 438 363
  2018 330 323 457 531 629 548 590 638 593 492 390 370
  2019 356 295 397 571 617 623 608 594 554 440 337 294
  2020 305 291 339 447 503 540 551 550 581 395 319 307
  2021 299 252 379 521 535 544 513 543 563 380 288 259
  2022 231 234 300 397 482 469 459 500 455 326 271 226
  2023 218 214 275 411 500 511 463 511 467 354 282 237
  2024 212 239 306 486 547 529 535 554 498 398 270

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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