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U.S. Product Supplied of Ethane (Thousand Barrels per Day)
U.S. Product Supplied of Ethane (Thousand Barrels per Day)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2010 903 856 846 727 809 879 876 953 967 890 851 928
  2011 1,003 896 978 902 940 926 934 910 919 927 1,002 1,037
  2012 989 931 924 904 898 935 972 946 955 980 976 987
  2013 958 995 932 916 921 901 995 977 1,069 1,080 1,087 1,111
  2014 1,058 1,020 1,030 959 973 987 1,023 1,126 1,089 1,056 1,097 1,074
  2015 1,067 1,099 1,003 1,059 1,073 1,041 1,061 1,011 1,073 1,084 1,164 1,155
  2016 1,113 1,108 1,180 1,140 1,130 1,089 1,170 1,110 1,053 1,169 1,158 1,131
  2017 1,182 1,206 1,198 1,166 1,253 1,325 1,272 1,130 1,047 1,268 1,376 1,455
  2018 1,473 1,324 1,538 1,505 1,418 1,468 1,529 1,537 1,480 1,434 1,524 1,508
  2019 1,610 1,657 1,559 1,591 1,488 1,421 1,492 1,458 1,503 1,466 1,578 1,628
  2020 1,711 1,710 1,707 1,596 1,682 1,757 1,864 1,651 1,488 1,649 1,909 1,887
  2021 1,835 1,290 1,508 1,841 1,890 1,850 1,817 1,864 1,799 1,913 1,930 2,102
  2022 2,168 2,053 2,084 2,065 1,982 2,118 2,180 1,849 1,932 2,016 1,963 1,826
  2023 1,999 2,101 2,108 2,133 2,267 2,165 2,212 2,051 2,054 2,092 2,173 2,491
  2024 2,118 2,364 2,259 2,207 2,355 2,273 2,080 2,387 2,432 2,537

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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