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East Coast (PADD 1) Stocks at Tank Farms of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
East Coast (PADD 1) Stocks at Tank Farms of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2007 1,046 1,219 1,079 1,128 1,042 1,155 879 1,108 957 1,185 1,047 925
  2008 841 930 1,059 1,186 1,050 1,068 1,178 976 1,124 1,472 970 970
  2009 1,120 1,168 1,224 1,133 1,130 1,214 1,109 1,116 1,274 817 976 1,123
  2010 999 887 1,157 1,189 1,049 936 1,086 1,038 1,049 981 863 889
  2011 943 923 1,094 974 994 858 1,044 1,130 1,017 976 1,391 1,220
  2012 875 1,046 1,129 1,015 1,049 1,017 998 951 848 1,244 1,052 1,125
  2013 1,472 1,618 1,618 2,000 1,635 1,585 1,793 1,507 2,033 1,730 1,754 2,012
  2014 2,143 2,030 1,951 2,436 2,498 2,144 2,185 2,240 1,782 1,968 2,304 2,118
  2015 2,220 2,416 2,953 3,317 3,484 3,070 2,839 2,706 3,247 2,983 3,058 3,580
  2016 5,619 5,914 6,930 6,615 6,806 5,445 6,127 6,965 5,243 5,841 5,237 4,965
  2017 5,861 5,962 5,893 6,220 5,361 5,109 3,892 3,958 1,907 2,621 1,956 1,641
  2018 2,164 2,290 2,111 2,231 2,373 2,308 1,944 2,047 1,702 2,201 1,830 2,191
  2019 2,203 2,833 3,030 2,105 2,937 2,392 2,345 2,572 2,546 3,045 3,008 2,494
  2020 2,448 2,672 3,300 4,828 5,594 5,573 5,498 5,474 5,044 4,645 3,778 4,299
  2021 3,991 2,576 2,895 2,215 1,964 1,988 1,964 2,020 1,872 1,746 1,670 1,523
  2022 1,508 1,493 1,484 1,582 1,881 2,314 1,394 1,587 1,947 2,313 2,196 1,970
  2023 2,058 2,104 1,599 1,563 1,298 1,573 1,405 1,449 1,407 2,059 2,183 1,400
  2024 1,614 1,462 1,429 1,815 1,656 1,300 1,372 1,612 1,225 1,465 1,775

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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