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Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Unfinished Oils Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Unfinished Oils Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1993 1,056 1,081 1,458 1,445 1,526 1,391 1,486 1,573 1,542 1,444 1,137 1,069
  1994 1,020 978 870 910 870 836 807 979 980 932 891 897
  1995 980 963 924 766 860 999 838 933 943 1,014 970 935
  1996 984 985 1,300 1,351 1,441 1,285 1,243 1,188 1,273 1,048 898 937
  1997 969 920 944 946 952 965 1,074 1,225 1,198 1,024 996 957
  1998 982 986 1,106 1,121 1,066 1,037 978 1,110 966 992 1,056 968
  1999 1,042 1,035 1,022 1,080 923 1,016 1,168 1,040 1,051 919 1,047 957
  2000 1,180 1,464 1,108 1,080 1,169 928 997 1,112 998 984 987 1,082
  2001 1,098 1,078 1,105 831 670 645 759 877 1,050 991 1,059 1,022
  2002 823 905 989 888 840 773 858 894 891 839 881 916
  2003 906 866 706 771 774 829 834 806 724 719 769 694
  2004 783 826 902 877 765 690 769 781 660 764 801 661
  2005 850 942 964 946 848 932 985 981 938 986 1,052 991
  2006 934 921 1,047 1,211 1,069 1,050 1,132 1,258 1,127 1,137 1,138 1,112
  2007 1,143 683 1,149 1,106 947 963 928 907 978 961 955 939
  2008 887 860 870 1,097 1,043 899 1,007 1,025 756 840 1,006 866
  2009 1,043 784 739 786 821 812 674 571 702 923 857 758
  2010 775 685 695 703 726 746 819 861 740 756 863 704
  2011 666 856 758 750 731 746 935 937 738 906 906 936
  2012 890 782 856 790 754 703 742 831 789 827 721 714
  2013 815 852 786 863 897 894 901 933 922 819 913 820
  2014 786 927 1,090 1,008 1,000 1,166 1,044 983 935 978 883 773
  2015 840 815 830 889 918 964 999 890 964 922 918 884
  2016 868 1,000 936 817 903 924 851 997 823 850 847 875
  2017 952 1,074 1,049 978 1,040 1,075 969 895 888 862 860 770
  2018 877 998 995 1,006 1,153 1,069 1,174 1,047 1,327 1,128 873 907
  2019 892 945 976 1,224 1,157 1,093 990 1,084 1,077 1,137 1,148 1,124
  2020 1,010 1,003 983 878 958 908 952 727 783 845 815 873
  2021 971 976 878 1,008 1,081 1,043 1,048 1,064 1,025 960 946 1,006
  2022 1,015 931 1,044 1,005 1,094 984 889 861 1,016 1,077 1,119 1,114
  2023 1,201 1,064 939 996 1,037 1,076 1,142 1,241 1,174 1,171 1,142 1,155
  2024 1,064 1,073 930 924 909 957 1,035 1,044 1,091 1,100 996

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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