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Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Refinery and Blender Net Input of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Refinery and Blender Net Input of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels)
Decade Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5 Year-6 Year-7 Year-8 Year-9
  1980's 67,243 65,142 68,707 69,073 64,680 64,469 63,758 68,475 66,244
  1990's 70,845 69,178 75,408 76,000 69,508 65,795 63,362 66,170 68,708 69,684
  2000's 64,726 57,215 54,816 57,452 54,883 68,394 72,646 69,434 73,549 79,502
  2010's 110,415 142,967 136,493 138,895 147,625 155,315 169,594 172,501 171,888 170,889
  2020's 163,444 167,591 174,412 173,536

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025

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