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U.S. Net Imports from China of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels per Day)
U.S. Net Imports from China of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products (Thousand Barrels per Day)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1993 45 15 48 -18 -3 38 -3 9 43 41 19 29
  1994 63 44 102 56 79 16 91 63 63 10 70 40
  1995 64 21 49 55 34 26 80 40 73 40 66 70
  1996 80 41 39 6 7 36 59 72 64 35 77 75
  1997 -64 65 111 39 -11 32 -17 37 49 6 -5 38
  1998 -40 -5 25 57 17 37 34 57 14 25 0 -25
  1999 -42 -16 31 4 -21 60 -33 62 19 -16 -29 0
  2000 7 21 91 53 38 55 33 32 39 57 21 45
  2001 33 0 21 5 24 25 22 56 21 15 -4 -2
  2002 -18 33 3 -14 -12 28 43 44 -28 41 21 -6
  2003 18 8 31 -6 -42 28 29 -20 14 -8 -8 -11
  2004 2 47 14 -42 10 -6 14 0 -13 24 29 27
  2005 23 26 27 21 30 16 0 -11 11 50 31 23
  2006 19 15 5 11 11 12 3 41 71 29 -15 -2
  2007 18 8 16 -19 18 0 -9 -22 12 8 -13 -19
  2008 7 10 -13 2 6 17 14 21 2 -1 -13 -17
  2009 -24 -72 -69 -107 -13 -24 -19 -7 -4 -10 -21 -35
  2010 -40 -18 -40 -45 -31 -64 -2 -35 -50 -33 -61 -95
  2011 -48 -33 -44 -47 -39 -41 -21 -35 -75 -123 -160 -162
  2012 -90 -123 -116 -76 -54 -81 -29 -38 -59 -106 -121 -81
  2013 -136 -72 -89 -117 -175 -96 -134 -57 -77 -172 -138 -194
  2014 -46 -113 -182 -139 -69 -27 0 -75 -34 -70 -76 -172
  2015 -72 -217 -135 -165 -149 -182 -222 -234 -203 -194 -226 -228
  2016 -220 -255 -227 -244 -203 -75 -170 -69 -83 -218 -218 -193
  2017 -294 -605 -377 -452 -369 -252 -197 -327 -508 -751 -472 -530
  2018 -505 -585 -675 -541 -481 -544 -505 -116 -25 -105 -20 -200
  2019 -83 -165 -127 -74 -299 -421 -280 -283 -291 -25 -120 -67
  2020 -85 -81 -239 -413 -1,486 -878 -896 -788 -1,053 -983 -655 -947
  2021 -808 -455 -847 -601 -705 -635 -549 -549 -491 -646 -776 -461
  2022 -430 -777 -599 -634 -502 -478 -658 -756 -542 -859 -721 -671
  2023 -778 -1,009 -1,343 -1,465 -823 -870 -900 -777 -1,040 -1,147 -937 -703
  2024 -847 -919 -913 -867 -879 -820 -827 -670 -884 -727

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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