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East Coast (PADD 1) Imports from Non-OPEC Countries of Propane (Thousand Barrels)
East Coast (PADD 1) Imports from Non-OPEC Countries of Propane (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2004 1,457 2,081 1,025 364 470 401 471 233 696 534 677 1,362
  2005 1,596 1,722 1,454 827 720 324 792 414 471 865 950 1,893
  2006 1,920 1,706 1,743 930 259 540 527 387 611 791 1,314 1,247
  2007 1,550 1,232 1,080 384 504 562 305 517 502 654 570 1,201
  2008 1,585 1,192 1,222 866 989 213 213 187 303 348 378 737
  2009 1,070 987 1,093 335 386 247 254 222 346 511 684 818
  2010 1,367 1,241 994 303 214 323 253 239 522 1,060 832 1,019
  2011 1,065 1,026 699 457 376 378 277 346 387 517 893 861
  2012 1,008 991 791 469 549 480 423 537 514 780 1,193 1,578
  2013 1,748 1,655 1,417 819 546 455 352 387 515 981 1,373 1,726
  2014 2,036 2,676 1,251 633 350 407 331 307 420 748 788 1,307
  2015 2,151 1,959 1,850 803 462 459 512 791 678 1,444 1,212 1,326
  2016 1,387 2,047 1,021 538 492 376 644 410 471 828 1,111 1,551
  2017 2,116 1,749 1,050 513 936 561 569 698 739 873 1,297 1,526
  2018 2,697 1,973 1,075 1,122 622 413 430 701 498 799 1,382 1,696
  2019 1,967 1,538 1,408 1,023 758 650 535 465 517 791 732 1,417
  2020 1,714 758 879 651 533 247 899 450 369 702 1,115 1,514
  2021 1,198 1,508 1,419 766 475 377 317 340 390 646 1,040 1,302
  2022 2,185 1,554 1,201 579 368 335 279 301 357 490 848 1,020
  2023 1,149 1,218 1,141 462 267 260 274 237 289 648 1,010 1,267
  2024 1,238 1,658 925 446 350 339 334 358 642 670

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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