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West Coast (PADD 5) Refinery Net Input of Other Hydrocarbons/Oxygenates (Thousand Barrels)
West Coast (PADD 5) Refinery Net Input of Other Hydrocarbons/Oxygenates (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2005 831 958 983 1,077 875 841 873 900 872 834 802 851
  2006 847 762 871 786 835 828 867 948 868 904 930 1,045
  2007 984 743 931 952 1,071 1,042 1,097 1,010 1,087 1,026 1,025 1,193
  2008 1,157 985 1,077 1,083 1,174 1,125 1,172 1,194 1,228 1,219 1,174 1,147
  2009 1,111 1,027 981 1,023 1,049 949 1,031 934 1,056 1,047 950 1,017
  2010 1,348 1,221 1,318 1,421 1,467 1,309 1,347 1,348 1,385 1,360 1,389 1,338
  2011 1,341 1,176 1,555 1,508 1,397 1,453 1,498 1,604 1,575 1,492 1,441 1,544
  2012 1,485 1,320 1,468 1,402 1,364 1,580 1,560 1,511 1,476 1,479 1,509 1,547
  2013 1,385 1,262 1,487 1,498 1,721 1,593 1,758 1,808 1,719 1,602 1,457 1,662
  2014 1,468 1,238 1,497 1,552 1,581 1,435 1,573 1,743 1,664 1,568 1,570 1,501
  2015 1,399 1,231 1,566 1,490 1,412 1,503 1,611 1,536 1,527 1,499 1,483 1,610
  2016 1,403 1,360 1,518 1,448 1,605 1,552 1,602 1,652 1,451 1,358 1,467 1,491
  2017 1,205 1,077 1,514 1,496 1,517 1,633 1,619 1,598 1,489 1,517 1,425 1,439
  2018 1,465 1,378 1,640 1,422 1,547 1,522 1,623 1,622 1,499 1,359 1,459 1,487
  2019 1,434 1,294 1,710 1,535 1,536 1,732 1,705 1,769 1,705 1,575 1,512 1,842
  2020 1,609 1,589 1,703 1,355 1,540 1,510 1,677 1,804 1,686 1,636 1,620 1,716
  2021 1,482 1,463 1,775 1,731 1,645 1,773 1,849 1,640 1,845 1,621 1,595 1,969
  2022 1,867 1,464 1,637 1,736 1,883 1,895 1,805 1,868 1,803 1,908 1,941 1,816
  2023 1,682 1,443 1,849 1,623 1,782 1,918 1,661 1,997 1,754 1,626 1,547 1,654
  2024 1,709 1,292 1,578 1,425 1,330 1,424 1,635 1,536 1,400 1,379

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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