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East Coast (PADD 1) Imports from Venezuela of Conventional Gasoline Blending Components (Thousand Barrels)
East Coast (PADD 1) Imports from Venezuela of Conventional Gasoline Blending Components (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2004 403 245 410 150 239 477 519 741 149
  2005 240 939 480 239 480 403 488 682 342 240 240 747
  2006 997 270 1,913 250 575 585 612 491 1,183 1,008 893 1,141
  2007 1,009 738 858 634 1,474 1,681 1,254 1,193 1,665 1,141 1,136 1,225
  2008 1,412 1,839 1,272 322 932 579 1,446 1,372 458 1,397 1,241 861
  2009 683 844 403 717 614 1,160 934 574 920 511 533 889
  2010 765 621 553 1,079 818 670 912 1,121 1,465 773 1,127 1,699
  2011 1,470 733 580 976 1,190 292 642 1,753 650 928 857 606
  2012 869 574 92 728 767 506 367 741 674 501 828 584
  2013 230 396 380 773 611 854 1,408 1,236 822 455 164 574
  2014 507 639 421 699 929 455 862 1,060 634 1,669 797 1,188
  2015 673 266 866 438 161 659 503 925 521 398 613 733
  2016 266 871 487 237 242 240 239 273 309 420 483
  2017 487 270 478 487 317 402 419 703 485 1,270 552 396
  2018 1,154 486 465 246 496 943 770 301 1,029 464 657 890
  2019 732 532 42

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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