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West Coast (PADD 5) Refinery Net Input of Naphthas and Lighter (Thousand Barrels)
West Coast (PADD 5) Refinery Net Input of Naphthas and Lighter (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2005 -1,652 -432 -678 -767 -597 -681 -124 -725 -1,821 128 -261 -778
  2006 -806 -296 -1,033 202 -289 -280 1,167 -238 -35 -110 -236 -739
  2007 -657 -411 -32 -1,203 -238 353 -160 -228 -468 -783 -981 -1,213
  2008 -785 -796 -612 -736 364 55 -374 -23 -507 -460 -685 302
  2009 -495 -754 -363 89 -113 463 574 592 -111 -202 145 100
  2010 -275 -69 -216 -444 -352 -409 417 794 -517 -216 1,639 -246
  2011 -1,066 771 379 -441 269 -234 -296 44 -164 -482 -60 -794
  2012 145 -730 857 553 219 -339 57 110 -293 225 -330 -654
  2013 -507 -1,581 256 565 833 -160 554 202 -453 -110 -270 -128
  2014 -231 -1,010 -223 -20 -231 387 -238 -509 -494 -584 -266 -232
  2015 -964 -302 80 472 -488 -227 -315 -1,036 662 -247 8 -195
  2016 -647 343 -835 -251 -102 108 -609 375 -58 254 -143 -482
  2017 -454 306 315 -619 -1,273 428 639 451 -126 -388 -342 61
  2018 -42 340 -1,049 649 274 2 171 242 195 -345 -6 133
  2019 -799 -650 593 598 243 -408 75 -525 7 -3 -636 -347
  2020 -437 -237 -406 -323 -252 -19 113 116 -178 -125 65 -221
  2021 -460 -232 252 -334 29 -481 349 -87 -522 112 -333 8
  2022 -846 -375 33 123 -535 -156 0 -153 -434 80 -356 367
  2023 270 -540 -375 326 371 509 -147 -23 414 -108 -103 241
  2024 -155 395 -331 555 116 153 11 -5 199 -105

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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