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Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Refinery Net Production of Liquified Petroleum Gases (Thousand Barrels)
Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Refinery Net Production of Liquified Petroleum Gases (Thousand Barrels)
Decade Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5 Year-6 Year-7 Year-8 Year-9
  2000's 129,344 134,434 142,660 138,736 143,002
  2010's 156,304 144,799 150,143 149,950 155,019 146,127 152,797 151,982 157,370 149,156
  2020's 143,063 158,759 -- --

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025

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