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Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Aviation Gasoline Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Aviation Gasoline Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Decade Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5 Year-6 Year-7 Year-8 Year-9
  1990's 269 220 384 346 377 302 474
  2000's 274 470 408 398 436 328 490 419 406 419
  2010's 396 415 349 366 440 315 353 382 374 459
  2020's 313 373 394 406

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025

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