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U.S. Distillate Fuel Oil, Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur Stocks in Pipelines (Thousand Barrels)
U.S. Distillate Fuel Oil, Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur Stocks in Pipelines (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1993 1,075 1,277 1,305 1,296 877 1,267 1,847 11,035 11,619 14,897 16,811 16,796
  1994 12,350 12,012 13,769 16,207 15,136 15,018 16,042 15,807 15,597 15,625 15,813 16,089
  1995 15,122 14,692 15,546 17,334 16,684 16,369 15,610 16,888 16,571 16,419 17,690 16,262
  1996 15,198 15,028 15,131 16,955 17,217 16,386 17,089 16,887 18,552 16,894 17,051 17,208
  1997 16,348 14,898 17,734 19,524 18,928 19,041 18,864 19,066 19,806 19,009 19,083 17,313
  1998 17,259 16,914 18,150 17,753 19,531 18,313 20,569 19,013 20,269 18,906 20,334 20,577
  1999 20,399 19,473 20,410 20,931 20,640 18,493 19,688 18,707 21,422 20,359 21,377 19,607
  2000 19,387 19,950 20,776 22,511 21,082 20,722 21,747 20,773 21,773 22,000 21,681 22,189
  2001 21,656 21,669 24,446 21,020 19,617 21,417 21,048 20,411 21,142 20,554 21,604 21,934
  2002 23,797 23,429 22,764 23,358 25,375 24,360 23,842 21,265 20,609 21,489 21,833 25,391
  2003 21,898 19,934 22,364 22,861 23,500 24,113 23,730 24,726 24,824 23,860 23,732 25,741
  2004 22,300 22,168 23,885 23,508 22,989 23,480 23,941 25,669 24,198 20,517 23,092 23,271
  2005 24,243 23,500 24,798 22,612 23,500 23,554 27,198 28,156 23,254 22,561 24,240 25,509
  2006 25,493 26,979 26,436 23,050 23,814 17,493 13,580 13,845 12,113 9,944 10,336 9,669
  2007 8,991 9,232 8,699 9,278 9,057 9,638 11,005 9,685 9,034 8,917 8,821 8,754
  2008 7,549 7,870 5,923 6,250 6,289 6,548 7,662 6,144 6,028 6,212 5,597 6,723
  2009 4,869 6,144 5,317 4,391 4,884 5,004 3,939 4,384 3,786 4,750 3,704 3,508
  2010 3,159 3,658 2,862 3,286 2,763 2,969 3,255 2,871 2,844 2,074 2,244 2,759
  2011 2,132 1,565 1,645 2,048 2,092 2,037 2,587 2,600 2,772 1,993 2,067 1,895
  2012 1,389 1,516 1,774 1,861 2,246 1,486 1,136 1,136 1,035 1,144 1,101 1,138
  2013 1,055 1,157 1,211 1,123 916 820 761 765 809 669 518 693
  2014 609 703 610 867 397 421 321 378 870 741 753 731
  2015 533 511 532 988 701 565 555 692 602 607 856 619
  2016 589 711 617 605 571 722 691 676 899 340 347 442
  2017 740 699 855 796 651 714 652 1,274 769 480 551 366
  2018 487 358 228 260 157 233 315 213 427 686 738 669
  2019 465 339 380 336 324 423 270 304 320 249 359 411
  2020 572 406 349 398 338 323 464 384 362 348 240 291
  2021 287 281 377 236 256 298 364 424 386 373 291 286
  2022 354 322 425 403 297 279 278 263 303 336 326 377
  2023 296 300 390 315 378 302 289 256 267 229 299 280
  2024 346 372 344 299 378 391 426 235 346 336

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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