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Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Product Supplied of Distillate Fuel Oil, 0 to 15 ppm Sulfur (Thousand Barrels)
Gulf Coast (PADD 3) Product Supplied of Distillate Fuel Oil, 0 to 15 ppm Sulfur (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2004 -368 70 -267 -373 -3 -515 -435 -190 -624 -318 -163 413
  2005 516 -8 -20 -51 -57 499 103 -16 -56 64 24 -37
  2006 351 -129 383 1,294 4,899 7,091 10,600 15,398 14,898 16,583 14,924 15,971
  2007 13,672 13,855 17,735 17,633 17,425 18,969 19,659 18,960 19,340 20,215 20,248 25,038
  2008 22,487 21,021 21,511 22,579 25,038 26,023 22,532 23,120 16,080 21,239 22,160 20,909
  2009 18,351 16,200 18,953 17,961 16,759 16,864 17,290 19,005 15,608 20,422 18,310 15,038
  2010 19,574 14,951 21,244 19,255 23,286 23,906 21,701 23,721 22,908 17,569 23,657 25,086
  2011 22,365 19,965 25,257 24,984 24,974 27,598 25,962 27,389 24,779 26,663 27,921 24,190
  2012 24,582 20,899 27,053 24,370 23,044 23,513 20,460 20,596 24,162 24,574 22,141 23,427
  2013 23,150 20,907 20,248 22,029 23,349 21,203 21,912 21,805 18,302 22,495 19,403 22,445
  2014 20,831 22,901 25,746 26,862 24,902 24,885 26,312 25,822 22,330 24,602 24,650 25,199
  2015 25,193 21,696 24,945 24,731 22,634 24,994 22,974 24,986 25,558 21,846 21,704 21,132
  2016 23,255 21,505 22,111 23,618 20,592 23,291 21,271 23,073 20,170 25,859 20,530 25,077
  2017 21,587 18,964 23,434 23,200 26,488 22,642 19,971 24,082 24,006 23,063 24,291 20,200
  2018 26,678 17,278 27,631 25,498 29,265 22,183 25,373 28,909 25,325 27,163 24,682 24,928
  2019 23,955 25,093 29,630 26,249 28,497 24,198 24,602 24,354 25,448 27,793 24,681 25,477
  2020 23,485 22,834 23,892 20,032 20,271 16,726 19,694 22,516 21,560 22,337 23,931 23,327
  2021 25,211 18,042 23,337 23,965 27,548 23,315 22,502 26,985 23,888 25,831 25,498 23,351
  2022 23,852 25,331 29,694 26,153 29,372 29,881 25,205 29,257 27,088 31,700 27,911 26,258
  2023 26,547 25,072 27,314 29,090 29,727 29,911 28,878 30,795 28,918 31,816 29,278 26,931
  2024 26,285 24,272 27,603 24,502 28,135 26,393 26,768 28,253 25,316 24,548

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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