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Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Crude Oil Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Refining District North Louisiana-Arkansas Crude Oil Stocks at Refineries (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1993 1,213 1,227 1,413 1,614 1,616 1,506 1,446 1,417 1,337 1,322 1,272 1,455
  1994 1,223 1,133 1,161 1,099 1,213 1,357 1,298 1,079 852 1,080 1,203 1,223
  1995 1,247 1,170 1,295 1,100 968 1,032 1,151 1,066 834 1,076 1,164 1,189
  1996 1,199 1,330 1,243 1,404 1,517 1,417 1,361 1,151 1,006 897 1,194 1,042
  1997 1,078 1,130 1,005 1,092 1,000 1,189 1,147 1,130 1,040 1,060 995 1,095
  1998 1,022 1,138 1,044 1,068 1,017 1,183 1,150 1,130 1,161 1,145 1,159 1,150
  1999 1,122 1,153 1,205 1,314 1,384 1,285 1,052 1,134 1,080 953 1,020 1,050
  2000 1,240 1,192 1,064 1,062 1,150 1,018 948 977 1,000 955 1,008 956
  2001 969 1,108 753 832 919 976 1,030 1,082 959 924 795 783
  2002 832 862 812 855 769 924 822 946 928 801 1,081 1,263
  2003 1,100 1,010 955 1,163 1,013 1,122 995 1,019 1,031 710 790 784
  2004 741 764 658 910 785 841 796 685 735 800 1,045 997
  2005 1,211 1,215 1,216 868 1,349 1,237 1,186 1,340 1,382 1,244 959 1,254
  2006 1,155 1,160 1,263 1,224 1,314 1,268 1,288 1,079 1,104 1,252 1,369 1,263
  2007 1,380 1,519 1,348 1,525 1,551 1,682 1,609 1,482 1,343 1,632 1,443 1,178
  2008 1,411 1,477 1,793 1,626 1,495 1,193 1,464 1,407 863 1,407 1,364 1,357
  2009 1,312 1,601 1,393 1,522 1,501 1,654 1,570 1,414 1,036 1,011 996 875
  2010 795 751 837 986 1,130 1,037 1,143 1,158 1,241 1,022 980 1,202
  2011 1,286 1,479 1,189 1,393 1,287 1,473 1,461 1,536 1,456 1,520 1,549 1,469
  2012 1,303 1,390 1,320 1,547 1,362 1,165 1,359 1,414 1,263 1,324 1,037 1,148
  2013 1,052 1,453 1,404 1,505 1,145 1,220 1,361 1,275 1,280 1,387 1,205 857
  2014 1,103 1,150 1,108 1,275 1,401 1,457 1,541 1,369 1,256 1,118 1,166 1,340
  2015 1,368 1,217 1,284 1,506 1,486 1,533 1,283 1,292 1,320 1,436 1,237 1,182
  2016 1,329 1,460 1,253 1,167 1,264 1,348 1,111 1,247 1,248 1,103 1,195 1,106
  2017 1,185 1,010 1,097 1,206 1,159 1,191 1,031 1,127 958 1,096 1,087 1,169
  2018 1,067 1,184 1,224 1,216 1,210 999 1,246 1,529 1,239 1,244 1,255 1,224
  2019 1,214 1,080 1,360 1,197 1,248 1,023 1,116 1,225 1,252 1,236 1,159 1,114
  2020 1,275 1,176 1,276 1,402 1,231 1,326 1,259 1,373 1,293 1,135 1,075 1,087
  2021 1,045 1,130 1,227 1,264 1,181 1,245 1,407 1,450 1,262 1,121 1,131 1,050
  2022 1,063 1,021 1,100 1,176 1,162 1,168 1,138 1,274 1,208 1,002 950 1,154
  2023 1,123 1,169 976 1,170 1,171 1,209 1,209 1,155 1,141 1,176 1,109 1,153
  2024 1,180 1,128 1,115 1,345 1,059 1,163 1,066 1,184 1,166 1,117 1,051

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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