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Central Atlantic (PADD 1B) Receipts by Tanker and Barge from Gulf Coast (PADD 3) of Gasoline Blending Components (Thousand Barrels)
Central Atlantic (PADD 1B) Receipts by Tanker and Barge from Gulf Coast (PADD 3) of Gasoline Blending Components (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1986 0 0 53 169 65 133 145 376 277 440 166 23
  1987 0 23 188 0 74 146 474 203 118 108 176 39
  1988 19 105 49 38 163 63 114 53 0 181 166 136
  1989 0 0 68 33 173 103 67 59 67 0 114 125
  1990 110 108 0 110 8 0 97 0 94 118 199 171
  1991 99 112 0 203 43 230 225 0 99 335 210 134
  1992 163 0 0 120 44 61 0 0 154 0 0 50
  1993 0 34 0 0 0 0 246 0 0 142 0 10
  1994 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 93 135 304 474 459
  1995 637 210 377 92 70 162 94 55 20 79 453 412
  1996 365 458 539 846 619 641 354 469 207 397 618 668
  1997 924 457 567 207 339 544 407 790 406 314 0 0
  1998 357 311 411 662 1,155 168 617 603 203 728 2 669
  1999 18 134 139 416 335 408 407 368 103 417 448 457
  2000 0 91 75 245 190 131 296 464 3 6 0 0
  2001 0 75 0 0 0 615 19 0 0 0 0 0
  2002 0 0 0 0 284 0 188 161 0 0 0 0
  2003 372 107 20 217 93
  2004 372 75 39 60
  2005 128 6 570 162 282 387 206 127
  2006 192 211 301 180 61 211 245 318 174
  2007 69 20 100
  2008 109 49
  2009 142 199 26 480 26 610
  2010 61 60 187 59 79 214 194
  2011 46 368 80 160 95 307
  2012 182 260 143 1,645 1,167 918 930 816 979
  2013 83
  2014 142 79 102
  2015 50 109 50
  2016 84 117 74 164 135 673 227
  2017 169 440 202 159 119 373 373 278
  2018 81 332 151 100 91 84 70
  2019 250 80 150 176 367 152
  2020 160 240 110 170 218
  2021 215 83 179 123
  2022 150 374 349 251 298 689 212
  2023 299 86 100 78 587 194 160 291
  2024 289 151 150 110

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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