Fuel Ethanol Production:
1981-1991: Fuel ethanol production is equal to fuel ethanol
consumption (see source information for "Consumption" below).
1993-2004: Calculated as fuel
ethanol consumption plus fuel ethanol stock change minus fuel ethanol net imports.
These data differ slightly from the original production data from Energy Information
Administration (EIA), Form EIA-819M, "Monthly Oxygenates Telephone Report," and predecessor
form, which were not reconciled and updated to be consistent with the final
1992, 2005 forward: EIA, Form EIA-819M, "Monthly Oxygenates Telephone Report."
Consumption (used to estimate fuel ethanol production for 1981-2004):
1981-1989: EIA, Estimates of U.S. Biofuels
Consumption 1990, Table 10; and EIA, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and
Alternate Fuels (CNEAF), estimates.
1990-1992: EIA, Estimates of U.S. Biomass
Energy Consumption 1992, Table D2; and EIA, CNEAF, estimates.
1993-2004: EIA, Petroleum Supply Annual, Tables 2 and 16. Calculated as ten percent
of oxygenated finished motor gasoline field production (Table 2), plus fuel ethanol
refinery input (Table 16).
Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-819M, "Monthly Oxygenates Telephone Report".
EIA Forms & Instructions
Background, Survey Methodology and Statistical Details