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Supply and Disposition
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Supply Disposition Ending Stocks
Field Production Transfers to Crude Oil Supply Biofuels Plant Net Production Refinery & Blender Net Production Imports Net Receipts Adjust- ments Stock Change Refinery & Blender Net Inputs Exports Products Supplied
Crude Oil & Petroleum Products
1,093,416 0 381,384 1,668,511 1,111,072 -669,131 3,732 17,600 1,586,312 171,718 1,813,354 300,431
Crude Oil
663,982 18,628 - - - - 1,064,338 -283,692 -10,523 9,551 1,405,992 37,190 0 116,557
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
429,434 -42,513 -8,164 39,400 22,506 -208,964 - - -2,455 41,452 79,044 113,657 49,989
Natural Gas Liquids
429,434 -42,513 -8,164 24,768 19,448 -200,271 - - -2,481 41,452 79,044 104,686 49,580
152,528 - - - - -81,057 - - -193 23,810 47,854 6,002
148,972 - - 27,227 12,254 -136,393 - - -1,203 1,432 51,831 21,912
Normal Butane
53,115 599 4,780 -49,529 - - -2,159 8,030 1,598 1,495 7,942
22,797 -3,058 2,397 3,327 - - 83 21,852 23 3,505 2,104
Natural Gasoline
52,022 -42,513 -8,164 17 63,381 - - 991 11,570 52,181 0 11,620
Condensate and Scrubber Oil
1,788 -1,783 - - 5 0 5
Refinery Olefins
- - - - 14,632 3,058 -8,693 - - 26 - - - - 8,971 409
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - 13,294 1,874 -8,693 - - -2 - - - - 6,477 370
Normal Butylene
- - - - 1,338 1,184 - - 28 - - - - 2,494 39
- - - - - - - - 0 - - - - 0 0
Other Liquids
- - 23,886 387,706 - - 7,325 -181,211 -30,391 6,410 138,868 45,981 16,055 74,423
Hydrogen/Oxygenates/Renewables/Other Hydrocarbons
- - 387,712 - - 1,102 -246,687 -4,456 -21 107,986 13,650 16,055 11,044
- - - - - - 14,107 - - 14,107 0 - -
Oxygenates (excl. Fuel Ethanol)
- - -- - - -- -- -- - --
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
- - 387,712 - - 1,102 -246,687 -18,711 -24 93,734 13,650 16,055 11,031
Fuel Ethanol
- - 351,651 - - - -233,417 -18,711 68 88,509 10,946 0 9,894
Biofuels (excl. Fuel Ethanol)
- - 36,060 - - 1,102 -13,271 - -92 5,225 2,704 16,055 1,137
- - 29,006 - - 1,102 -8,211 - -114 4,443 2,704 14,865 992
Renewable Diesel Fuel
- - 6,139 - - - -5,059 - 27 - NA 1,053 107
Other Biofuels
- - 915 - - - - - -5 782 NA 138 39
Other Hydrocarbons
- - - - - - - 148 3 145 0 13
Unfinished Oils
- - 23,886 - - - - 116 -8,728 - - -1,169 -14,187 30,630 0 12,404
Motor Gasoline Blend. Comp.
- - -6 - - 6,107 74,204 -25,935 7,600 45,069 1,702 0 50,974
- - -1 - - - 20,719 613 788 20,543 - 0 5,123
- - -5 - - 6,107 53,485 -26,547 6,812 24,526 1,702 0 45,851
Aviation Gasoline Blend. Comp.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Finished Petroleum Products
- - 1,843 1,629,111 16,903 4,736 44,646 4,094 - - 9,503 1,683,643 59,462
Finished Motor Gasoline
- - 1,882 894,562 1 2,267 44,646 641 - - 2,362 940,354 3,878
- - 122,344 - - 1,617 - - - - 123,961 -
- - 1,882 772,218 1 2,267 43,029 641 - - 2,362 816,393 3,878
Finished Aviation Gasoline
- - - - 157 45 309 - - -20 - - - 531 183
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
- - 101,338 - 5,792 - - 642 - - 716 105,772 7,444
- - - 977 20 - - - 102 - - 6 889 200
Distillate Fuel Oil
- - -39 421,899 3,176 29,778 - 4,037 - - 732 450,046 32,976
15 ppm Sulfur and Under
- - -39 421,739 3,025 28,497 - 4,184 - - 87 448,951 32,321
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
- - 0 1,253 41 1,210 - -79 - - 57 2,526 318
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
- - 0 -1,093 110 71 - - -68 - - 588 -1,432 337
Residual Fuel Oil
- - - - - - 11,902 1,175 -7,893 - - -9 - - 52 5,141 1,179
Less than 0.31% Sulfur
- - - - - - 707 - -818 - - -105 - - NA NA 114
0.31 to 1.00% Sulfur
- - - - - - 4,290 96 -2,713 - - 141 - - NA NA 385
Greater than 1.00% Sulfur
- - - - - - 6,905 1,079 -4,362 - - -45 - - NA NA 680
Petrochemical Feedstocks
- - - - - - 10,188 1,909 -797 - - 49 - - - 11,251 577
Naphtha for Petro. Feed. Use
- - - - - - 5,902 1,071 -575 - - 59 - - 6,339 452
Other Oils for Petro. Feed. Use
- - - - - - 4,286 838 -222 - - -10 - - - 4,912 125
Special Naphthas
- - - - - - -264 146 251 - - 9 - - - 124 169
- - - - - - 2,151 2,693 1,830 - - -63 - - 2,231 4,506 697
- - - - - - 395 202 - - - 18 - - 325 254 65
Petroleum Coke
- - - - - - 67,383 138 -11,862 - - -641 - - 2,327 53,973 1,978
- - - - - - 50,571 138 -11,862 - - -641 - - 2,327 37,161 1,978
- - - - - - 16,812 - - - - - - - - - - - - 16,812 - -
Asphalt and Road Oil
- - - - - - 59,839 7,398 -15,052 - - -677 - - 741 52,121 9,871
Still Gas
- - - - - - 52,792 - - - - - - - - - - - - 52,792 - -
Miscellaneous Products
- - - - - - 5,792 - 113 - - 6 - - 11 5,888 245
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Imports at the PAD District level represent the PAD District in which the material entered the U.S. and not necessarily where the crude oil or product is processed and/or consumed. Adjustments include an adjustment for crude oil, previously referred to as Unaccounted For Crude Oil, and adjustments for hydrogen, motor gasoline blending components, and fuel ethanol. From 2011 to 2020 there was also an adjustment for distillate fuel oil. A negative stock change indicates a decrease in stocks and a positive number indicates an increase in stocks. Total stocks exclude petroleum products held in federal and state regional product reserves. Prior to data for January 2020, total residual fuel oil stocks include stocks held at pipelines. Residual fuel oil stocks by sulfur content exclude pipeline stocks. Therefore, the sum of residual fuel oil stocks by sulfur content may not equal total residual fuel oil stocks. Exports of distillate fuel oil with sulfur greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm may include distillate fuel oil with sulfur content 15 ppm and under due to product detail limitations in exports data received from the U.S. Census Bureau. Data may not add to total due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025