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Weekly Refiner & Blender Net Production
(Thousand Barrels per Day)
Area: Period:
 Show Data By:
Data Series Area
01/03/25 01/10/25 01/17/25 01/24/25 01/31/25 02/07/25 View
Finished Motor Gasoline (Excl. Adjustment)
1,262 1,286 1,341 1,382 1,337 1,338 1993-2025
850 916 942 940 933 955 1993-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
850 916 942 940 933 955 2004-2025
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2025
412 370 398 442 404 383 1994-2025
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
403 405 414 429 431 416 2004-2025
Ed55 and Lower
402 404 413 429 430 416 2010-2025
Greater than Ed55
1 1 1 1 1 1 2010-2025
Other Conventional
9 -35 -15 12 -27 -33 2004-2025
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
453 444 439 442 441 414 1990-2025
446 444 432 438 435 407 1993-2025
7 0 7 4 6 7 1993-2025
Distillate Fuel Oil
422 460 385 387 409 369 1990-2025
15 ppm Sulfur and Under
374 431 349 394 402 354 2004-2025
> 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
33 20 13 -3 0 8 1993-2025
> 500 ppm Sulfur
15 9 23 -4 6 7 1993-2025
Residual Fuel Oil
37 16 97 102 56 59 1990-2025
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes:   See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 2/12/2025
Next Release Date: 2/20/2025