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Product Supplied
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
Total Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
5,818 5,902 5,037 5,540 5,478 5,571 1989-2023
Crude Oil
0 0 0 0 0 0 1991-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
358 416 434 463 433 439 1989-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
331 386 401 427 402 415 2010-2023
2 5 9 10 16 37 2010-2023
263 290 296 323 334 320 2010-2023
Normal Butane
28 41 43 39 38 42 2010-2023
8 13 12 13 14 16 2010-2023
Natural Gasoline
30 36 41 41 0 0 1989-2023
Condensate and Scrubber Oil
          0 2023-2023
Refinery Olefins
27 30 33 36 31 25 2010-2023
0 0 0 1 1 0 2010-2023
27 31 32 34 29 24 2010-2023
Normal Butylene
-1 -2 -1 0 0 0 2010-2023
1 1 1 1 1 0 2010-2023
Pentanes Plus
30 36 41 41 -- -- 1989-2023
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
328 380 393 421 -- -- 1989-2023
3 6 9 11 -- -- 1989-2023
290 321 328 358 -- -- 1989-2023
Normal Butane/Butylene
27 40 42 39 -- -- 1989-2023
9 14 13 14 -- -- 1989-2023
Other Liquids
-4 4 0 15 3 11 1989-2023
Hydrogen/Biofuels/Other Hydrocarbons
0 0 0 6 3 11 1991-2023
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
0 0 0 6 3 11 2005-2023
Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2005-2023
Biofuels (excl. Fuel Ethanol)
0 0 0 6 3 11 2009-2023
-- -- -- -- -- 11 2009-2023
Renewable Diesel Fuel
-- -- -- -- -- 0 2009-2023
Other Biofuels
      -- -- 0 2009-2023
Biodiesel/Renewable Diesel Fuel
0 0 0 6 3 11 2009-2023
Other Hydrocarbons
Unfinished Oils
-4 4 0 9 0 0 1989-2023
Motor Gasoline Blend. Comp.
0 0 0 0 0 0 1989-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 2005-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 2005-2023
Aviation Gasoline Blend. Comp.
Finished Petroleum Products
5,464 5,481 4,603 5,063 5,041 5,121 1981-2023
Finished Motor Gasoline
3,285 3,334 2,861 3,139 2,990 3,125 1989-2023
1,230 1,217 977 1,135 1,080 1,064 1993-2023
2,054 2,117 1,884 2,003 1,910 2,062 1993-2023
Finished Aviation Gasoline
3 3 2 3 3 4 1989-2023
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
620 627 341 457 583 622 1989-2023
8 6 7 7 4 8 1989-2023
Distillate Fuel Oil
1,263 1,240 1,161 1,208 1,189 1,125 1989-2023
15 ppm and under Sulfur
1,167 1,182 1,134 1,198 1,167 1,117 2004-2023
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
20 5 1 -8 -2 0 1994-2023
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
76 53 26 18 24 8 1994-2023
Residual Fuel Oil
96 66 67 85 100 67 1989-2023
Petrochemical Feedstocks
4 3 3 1 1 1 1989-2023
Naphtha for Petro. Feed. Use
4 1 3 1 3 2 2004-2023
Other Oils for Petro. Feed Use
0 2 0 0 -2 -1 2004-2023
Special Naphthas
1 1 0 1 1 1 1989-2023
23 28 27 25 25 22 1989-2023
1 1 0 0 0 0 1989-2023
Petroleum Coke
21 27 11 15 16 16 1989-2023
0 9 -2 0 1 4 2004-2023
21 18 13 14 14 12 2004-2023
Asphalt and Road Oil
93 106 90 91 100 101 1989-2023
Still Gas
43 39 29 28 27 27 1989-2023
Miscellaneous Products
3 2 2 3 2 2 1989-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Data may not add to total due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025