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Natural Gas Deliveries to Commercial Consumers (Including Vehicle Fuel through 1996) in California  (Million Cubic Feet)
Natural Gas Deliveries to Commercial Consumers (Including Vehicle Fuel through 1996) in California (Million Cubic Feet)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1989 28,465 29,564 21,880 18,656 19,249 21,469 15,319 17,351 19,452 19,856 21,665 26,192
  1990 30,798 34,767 27,425 23,423 18,540 17,392 21,030 17,705 23,233 17,384 22,637 30,759
  1991 31,793 23,911 26,128 28,375 21,468 20,003 22,080 16,547 23,307 26,510 20,109 27,379
  1992 38,234 23,834 24,413 18,379 27,118 22,150 21,150 21,633 19,247 19,112 20,999 28,738
  1993 27,151 31,334 21,654 18,276 18,032 15,638 18,341 14,348 16,845 19,708 20,404 28,553
  1994 29,342 27,032 23,156 18,463 22,621 18,091 25,752 14,123 14,604 17,844 25,032 25,929
  1995 31,883 25,693 23,399 23,976 24,831 19,028 21,954 18,362 19,391 21,272 22,818 26,152
  1996 23,655 23,098 21,723 17,358 16,348 15,772 17,155 17,540 17,544 18,727 21,313 24,836
  1997 25,777 25,491 23,316 20,497 18,596 16,305 17,772 18,558 18,325 19,458 20,984 28,845
  1998 27,792 25,831 17,981 20,978 20,004 16,352 23,301 25,640 22,759 23,016 26,959 31,538
  1999 30,085 25,915 27,245 20,909 20,081 15,884 15,701 18,733 15,049 14,337 17,213 23,548
  2000 26,495 24,242 24,531 20,237 16,684 15,966 16,392 17,572 17,990 17,276 24,057 24,997
  2001 27,492 25,562 22,438 26,237 16,799 15,537 15,370 17,275 16,322 18,308 19,010 25,444
  2002 27,340 23,711 21,883 19,797 19,836 17,245 16,694 17,287 15,819 18,131 18,290 22,275
  2003 31,390 26,125 21,962 19,424 18,107 15,352 14,488 14,695 14,050 15,035 18,426 23,860
  2004 25,447 25,795 22,236 17,684 17,561 15,914 14,895 15,212 14,792 16,771 19,780 25,510
  2005 26,277 24,408 20,903 18,166 18,477 16,762 16,627 16,074 17,357 17,171 17,669 23,190
  2006 24,730 23,938 24,062 21,985 18,659 16,958 15,204 17,944 16,993 18,536 20,041 25,383
  2007 29,681 27,397 21,122 19,133 19,239 17,712 16,270 17,262 17,312 18,657 19,706 27,531
  2008 28,250 29,244 24,547 20,707 20,871 15,833 15,841 17,203 17,084 18,682 17,894 24,889
  2009 27,043 25,548 23,555 20,450 18,677 16,334 16,067 17,021 16,800 18,911 20,687 26,680
  2010 27,422 26,257 21,064 21,182 19,105 16,061 14,990 14,858 18,544 20,568 22,395 25,550
  2011 25,875 25,063 21,614 16,716 17,184 16,310 17,515 19,562 17,219 16,840 22,753 29,490
  2012 27,921 24,761 23,782 18,780 17,026 16,507 17,022 17,991 17,027 19,476 23,169 29,686
  2013 30,439 25,810 20,795 18,038 17,317 15,833 17,128 17,774 17,036 19,896 23,656 31,124
  2014 26,168 23,504 20,512 17,614 17,418 16,551 16,799 17,141 17,313 17,355 21,710 25,591
  2015 25,021 19,598 18,893 18,080 19,132 16,147 15,782 16,351 15,078 16,134 26,091 29,484
  2016 26,743 21,460 20,549 17,218 16,478 16,005 15,669 17,665 16,696 17,303 22,313 28,868
  2017 29,953 22,399 19,964 17,261 16,233 14,780 15,170 16,202 16,068 19,397 21,743 28,182
  2018 25,305 24,163 25,288 18,730 17,524 16,142 15,507 16,398 16,863 20,372 23,093 28,627
  2019 27,444 30,619 23,676 17,595 18,840 15,505 15,947 17,132 16,093 20,971 26,624 25,534
  2020 27,770 25,218 25,755 15,085 13,972 13,572 14,698 15,037 15,965 17,954 22,621 24,994
  2021 23,555 21,545 22,128 17,748 16,277 16,050 17,041 16,316 19,004 19,250 22,426 28,678
  2022 26,278 24,045 21,572 18,577 17,374 15,611 16,739 15,681 16,777 19,462 26,188 28,318
  2023 29,564 27,064 27,682 20,011 18,368 17,265 16,390 16,059 16,335 21,331 22,585 24,839
  2024 24,995 23,895 22,287 20,669 NA 19,811 NA 21,024 21,668 24,175 30,694

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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