Appendix A. 1989 CBECS Data File Documentation File 3: Operating Hours and Weather (CBECS89.A03) Ques- tion- naire Variable Variable Variable Variable item Description Name Position Format CASEID Building identifier BLDGID4 1- 5 Census region REGION4 7- 7 $REGION. Census division CENDIV4 9- 9 $CENDIV. B2 Square footage SQFTC4 11- 12 $SQFTC. Principal building activity PBA4 14- 15 $ACTIVTY. E9AFROM Monday thru Friday opening hour MFBGN4 17- 21 TIME5. E9ATO Monday thru Friday closing hour MFEND4 23- 27 TIME5. E9BFROM Saturday opening hour SATBGN4 29- 33 TIME5. E9BTO Saturday closing hour SATEND4 35- 39 TIME5. E9CFROM Sunday opening hour SUNBGN4 41- 45 TIME5. E9CTO Sunday closing hour SUNEND4 47- 51 TIME5. Weekday hours open (Mon. thru Fri.) MFHRS4 53- 57 Saturday hours open SATHRS4 59- 63 Sunday hours open SUNHRS4 65- 69 Total weekly hours open WKHRS4 71- 73 E10 Total weekly hours open WKHRSC4 75- 75 $WKHRSC. F3 Year construction was completed YRCONC4 77- 78 $YRCONC. Adjusted weight ADJWT4 80- 87 Variance stratum STRATUM4 89- 90 Pair indicator PAIR4 92- 92 Electricity supplied ELSUPL4 94- 94 $XXSUPL. Natural gas supplied NGSUPL4 96- 96 $XXSUPL. Fuel oil supplied FKSUPL4 98- 98 $XXSUPL. Steam supplied STSUPL4 100- 100 $XXSUPL. Hot water supplied HWSUPL4 102- 102 $XXSUPL. Heating Degree-Days (Base 65 F) HDD654 104- 108 COMMA6. Cooling Degree-Days (Base 65 F) CDD654 110- 114 COMMA6. Average 1989 temperature (F) TEMPAVG4 116- 120 Std. dev. of 1989 temperature (F) TEMPSTD4 122- 126