File13: Imputation Flags for Energy Audits, "Other" Conservation Features, and End Uses (cb86f13.csv) Ques- tion- naire Variable Variable Variable Variable item Description Name Position Format Building identifier BLDGID3 1- 5 Adjusted weight ADJWT3 7- 14 Variance stratum STRATUM3 16- 17 Pair member PAIR3 19- 19 Census region REGION3 21- 21 $REGION. Census division CENDIV3 23- 23 $CENDIV. B-2 Square footage SQFTC3 25- 26 $SQFTC. Principal building activity PBA3 28- 29 $ACTIVTY. D-2 Year construction was completed YRCONC3 31- 32 $YRCONC. Electricity supplied ELSUPL3 34- 34 $XXSUPL. Natural gas supplied NGSUPL3 36- 36 $XXSUPL. Fuel oil supplied FKSUPL3 38- 38 $XXSUPL. Propane supplied PRSUPL3 40- 40 $XXSUPL. Steam supplied STSUPL3 42- 42 $XXSUPL. Hot water supplied HWSUPL3 44- 44 $XXSUPL. Imputed energy audit performed ZAUDIT3 46- 46 $ZVAR. Imputed year audit (most recent) ZAUDYR3 48- 48 $ZVAR. Imputed month audit (if 1986) ZAUDMON3 50- 50 $ZVAR. Imputed maintenance program ZMAINT3 52- 52 $ZVAR. Imputed maint program install/add ZMNTINS3 54- 54 $ZVAR. Imputed when maint program added ZMNTDT3 56- 56 $ZVAR. Imputed maintenance program/audit ZMNTAUD3 58- 58 $ZVAR. Imputed maintenance program/savngs ZMNTSAV3 60- 60 $ZVAR. Imputed computerized EMS ZHCCOMP3 62- 62 $ZVAR. Imputed EMS installed/added ZCMPINS3 64- 64 $ZVAR. Imputed when EMS added ZCMPDT3 66- 66 $ZVAR. Imputed EMS added/audit ZCMPAUD3 68- 68 $ZVAR. Imputed EMS added/savings ZCMPSAV3 70- 70 $ZVAR. Imputed delamping program ZDELAMP3 72- 72 $ZVAR. Imputed delamping install/add ZDLMINS3 74- 74 $ZVAR. Imputed when delamping added ZDLMDT3 76- 76 $ZVAR. Imputed delamping added/audit ZDLMAUD3 78- 78 $ZVAR. Imputed delamping added/savings ZDLMSAV3 80- 80 $ZVAR. Imputed any other conservation ZOTCNS3 82- 82 $ZVAR. Imputed type other conservation ZOTCNSX3 84- 84 $ZVAR. Imputed other feature install/add ZOTCINS3 86- 86 $ZVAR. Imputed when other conserv added ZOTCDT3 88- 88 $ZVAR. Imputed other feature added/audit ZOTCAUD3 90- 90 $ZVAR. Imputed other feature added/savngs ZOTCSAV3 92- 92 $ZVAR. Imputed energy used for heat ZHEAT13 94- 94 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for heat (second) ZHEAT23 96- 96 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for cooling ZCOOL3 98- 98 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for wtr heat ZWATR13 100- 100 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for wtr heat (2nd) ZWATR23 102- 102 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for commercial cook ZCOOK3 104- 104 $ZVAR. Imputed energy for manufacturing ZMANU3 106- 106 $ZVAR. Imputed energy to generate elec ZGENR3 108- 108 $ZVAR. Imputed elec primary heat ZELHT13 110- 110 $ZVAR. Imputed elec secondary heat ZELHT23 112- 112 $ZVAR. Imputed elec cooling ZELCOOL3 114- 114 $ZVAR. Imputed elec primary wtr heat ZELWTR13 116- 116 $ZVAR. Imputed elec secondary wtr heat ZELWTR23 118- 118 $ZVAR. Imputed elec commercial cooking ZELCOOK3 120- 120 $ZVAR. Imputed elec manufacturing ZELMANU3 122- 122 $ZVAR. File13: Imputation Flags for Energy Audits, "Other" Conservation Features, and End Uses (cb86f13.csv) (continued) Ques- tion- naire Variable Variable Variable Variable item Description Name Position Format Imputed natgas primary heat ZNGHT13 124- 124 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas secondary heat ZNGHT23 126- 126 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas cooling ZNGCOOL3 128- 128 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas primary wtr heat ZNGWTR13 130- 130 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas secondary wtr heat ZNGWTR23 132- 132 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas commercial cooking ZNGCOOK3 134- 134 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas manufacturing ZNGMANU3 136- 136 $ZVAR. Imputed natgas generate electric ZNGGENR3 138- 138 $ZVAR. Imputed fuel oil primary wtr heat ZFKWTR13 140- 140 $ZVAR. Imputed fuel oil second wtr heat ZFKWTR23 142- 142 $ZVAR. Imputed fuel oil generate elec ZFKGENR3 144- 144 $ZVAR. Imputed propane secondary wtr heat ZPRWTR23 146- 146 $ZVAR. Imputed propane commercial cook ZPRCOOK3 148- 148 $ZVAR. Imputed propane manufacturing ZPRMANU3 150- 150 $ZVAR. Imputed propane generate elec ZPRGENR3 152- 152 $ZVAR. Imputed steam primary wtr heat ZSTWTR13 154- 154 $ZVAR. Imputed steam secondary wtr heat ZSTWTR23 156- 156 $ZVAR. Imputed hot water secondary wtr heat ZHWWTR23 158- 158 $ZVAR. Imputed chilled water secondary wtr heat ZCWWTR23 160- 160 $ZVAR.