File01: (file01_cb83.csv) BLDGID2 Building ID STR402 Half-sample stratum PAIR402 Half-sample pair number SQFTC2 Square footage $SQFTC17. BCWM2C Principal activity $BCWOM25. YRCONC2C Year constructed $YRCONC15 REGION2 Census region $REGION13 XSECWT2 Cross-sectional weight ELSUPL2N Supplier reported electricity use $YESNO15. NGSUPL2N Supplier reported natural gas use $YESNO15. FKSUPL2N Supplier reported fuel oil use $YESNO15. STSUPL2N Supplier reported steam use $YESNO15. PRSUPL2N Supplier reported propane use $YESNO15. CFMSQF2N Confirm square feet $YESNO15. SQFT2 Square footage SQFT15. ALT2N Additions or substantial alterations $YESNO15. ALTSQF2N Add or subtract square footage $ALTSQF15 INSR2M Roof or ceiling insulation $YESNO15. INSW2M Exterior wall insulation $YESNO15. STRIP2 Weather stripping added since 1/1/80 $YESNO15. INSULR2M Insulation added to roof since 1/1/80 $YESNO15. INSULW2M Insulation added to walls since 1/1/80 $YESNO15. ADDGLS2N Conservation glass added since 1/1/80 $YESNO15. ADIN2N Adding insulation to this building $YESNO15. ADINW2N Adding insulation in the walls $YESNO15. ADINF2N Adding insulation in the floor $YESNO15. ADINC2N Adding insulation in the ceiling $YESNO15. ADINT2N Adding insulation in partitions $YESNO15. ADINR2N Adding insulation in the roof $YESNO15. ADIND2N Adding insulation on the ducts $YESNO15. ADINP2N Adding insulation on the pipes $YESNO15. ADINO2N Adding insulation anywhere else $YESNO15. VACP2R Percent vacant MISS3CH15 RESP2 Percent residential MISS3CH15 SEAS2N Seasonal/nonseasonal use $SEAS15. MONHR2R Monday hours MISS2CH15 TUEHR2R Tuesday hours MISS2CH15 WEDHR2R Wednesday hours MISS2CH15 THUHR2R Thursday hours MISS2CH15 FRIHR2R Friday hours MISS2CH15 SATHR2R Saturday hours MISS2CH15 SUNHR2R Sunday hours MISS2CH15 AVGNHR2R Number of hours in use during a week MISS3CH15 USEJAN2N Building in use during January $YESNO15. USEFEB2N Building in use during February $YESNO15. USEMAR2N Building in use during March $YESNO15. USEAPR2N Building in use during April $YESNO15. USEMAY2N Building in use during May $YESNO15. USEJUN2N Building in use during June $YESNO15. USEJUL2N Building in use during July $YESNO15. USEAUG2N Building in use during August $YESNO15. USESEP2N Building in use during September $YESNO15. USEOCT2N Building in use during October $YESNO15. USENOV2N Building in use during November $YESNO15. USEDEC2N Building in use during December $YESNO15. OCCNUM2 Number of occupants $OCCNUM15 FEDGOV2 Occupied by federal government agency $YESNO15. STGOV2 Occupied by state government agency $YESNO15. LOCGOV2 Occupied by local government agency $YESNO15. GOVOWN2 Owned by a government agency $YESNO15. NWKER2R Number of employees MISS5CH15 NWKERC2R Number of employees $NWKER15. HEATP2 Percent heated MISS3CH15 HTFNBL2N Heating system uses furnaces/boilers $YESNO15. FNBLIO2M Location of furnaces or boilers $FNBLIO36 SONU2R Heat provided by self-contained units $YESNO15. OTU2R Heat provided by other system $YESNO15. FAN2M Forced air fans $YESNO15. FANDUC2M Fans blow air through ducts $YESNO15. BASEBD2M Heat distributed from baseboards $YESNO15. EB2 Electric baseboards $YESNO15. HWB2 Hot water baseboards $YESNO15. SB2 Steam baseboards $YESNO15. RAD2 Heat distrib. by radiators/convectors $YESNO15. WFCP2R Heating panels $YESNO15. OHD2M Other heat distribution $YESNO15. BOILR2 Boilers present $YESNO15. NBOILR2 Number of boilers MISS3CH15 ELBOIL2M Electricity fires boilers $YESNO15. NGBOIL2M Natural gas fires boilers $YESNO15. FOBOIL2M Fuel oil fires boilers $YESNO15. COBOIL2M Coal fires boilers $YESNO15. PRBOIL2M Propane fires boilers $YESNO15. OTBOIL2M Other fuel fires boilers $YESNO15. BLNEW2N Any new boilers $YESNO15. NBLNEW2N Number of new boilers MISS3CH15 ELBLN2N Electricty fires new boilers $YESNO15. NGBLN2N Natural gas fires new boilers $YESNO15. FOBLN2N Fuel oil fires new boilers $YESNO15. COBLN2N Coal fires new boilers $YESNO15. PRBLN2N Propane fires new boilers $YESNO15. OTBLN2N Other fuel fires new boilers $YESNO15. HC2M Employees control heating temperature $YESNO15. NHR2M Reduction in heat off-hours $YESNO15. COOLP2 Percent air conditioned MISS3CH15 CSTWNU2M Air conditioning by window units $YESNO15. CSTWLU2M Air conditioning by wall units $YESNO15. CSTCS2M Air conditioning by central system $YESNO15. CSTBLT2M Type of central system $CSTBLT28 CC2M Employees control cooling temperature $YESNO15. NCR2M Reduction in cooling off-hours $YESNO15. PORVAC2R Space vacant for at least 3 months $YESNO15. VACP2 Percent vacant at least 3 months MISS3CH15 VHCR2 Reduced heating/cooling when vacant $YESNO15. MAINT2 Regular maintenance program $MAINT35. HCCOMP2N Heating/cooling monitored by computer $YESNO15. SOLAC12M Active solar heating $YESNO15. SOLPS12M Passive solar heating $YESNO15. WIND2N Wind energy $YESNO15. GEO2N Geothermal energy $YESNO15. WELL2N Well water for cooling $YESNO15. WASTE2N Waste incineration for energy $YESNO15. COGEN2N Cogeneration $YESNO15. SYS2N Other special system $YESNO15. AUDPRF2N Professional audit $YESNO15. AUDUT2N Utility audit program available $YESNO15. AUDTR2N Type of auditor $AUDTR30. AUDCON2N Measures taken in response to audit $YESNO15. ELUSED2 Electricity used as fuel $YESNO15. NGUSED2 Natural gas used as fuel $YESNO15. FKUSED2M Fuel oil/kerosene used as fuel $YESNO15. STUSED2 Purchased steam used as fuel $YESNO15. CWUSED2 Purchased chilled water used as fuel $YESNO15. COUSED2 Coal used as fuel $YESNO15. PRUSED2 Propane used as fuel $YESNO15. HWUSED2 Purchased hot water used as fuel $YESNO15. WOUSED2 Wood used as fuel $YESNO15. SOUSED2 Solar energy used as fuel $YESNO15. OTUSED2 Other fuel being used $YESNO15. NOFUEL2N No fuels used in building $YESNO15. ELWATR2 Electricity for water heating $ENDUSE27 NGWATR2 Natural gas for water heating $ENDUSE27 FKWATR2 Fuel oil/kerosene for water heating $ENDUSE27 STWATR2 Purchased steam for water heating $ENDUSE27 COWATR2 Coal for water heating $ENDUSE27 PRWATR2 Propane for water heating $ENDUSE27 HWWATR2 Purchased hot water for water heating $ENDUSE27 WOWATR2 Wood for water heating $ENDUSE27 SOWATR2 Solar for water heating $ENDUSE27 OTWATR2 Other fuel for water heating $ENDUSE27 ELMANU2 Electricity for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 NGMANU2 Natural gas for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 FKMANU2 Fuel oil/kerosene for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 STMANU2 Purchased steam for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 CWMANU2 Chilled water for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 COMANU2 Coal for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 PRMANU2 Propane for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 HWMANU2 Purchased hot water for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 WOMANU2 Wood for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 SOMANU2 Solar for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 OTMANU2 Other fuel for manufacturing $ENDUSE27 ELCOOK2 Electricity for cooking $ENDUSE27 NGCOOK2 Natural gas for cooking $ENDUSE27 FKCOOK2M Fuel oil/kerosene for cooking $ENDUSE27 STCOOK2 Purchased steam for cooking $ENDUSE27 COCOOK2 Coal for cooking $ENDUSE27 PRCOOK2 Propane for cooking $ENDUSE27 HWCOOK2 Purchased hot water for cooking $ENDUSE27 WOCOOK2 Wood for cooking $ENDUSE27 SOCOOK2 Solar for cooking $ENDUSE27 OTCOOK2 Other fuel for cooking $ENDUSE27 ELHEAT2 Electricity for heating $ENDUSE27 NGHEAT2 Natural gas for heating $ENDUSE27 FKHEAT2 Fuel oil/kerosene for heating $ENDUSE27 STHEAT2 Purchased steam for heating $ENDUSE27 COHEAT2 Coal for heating $ENDUSE27 PRHEAT2 Propane for heating $ENDUSE27 HWHEAT2 Purchased hot water for heating $ENDUSE27 WOHEAT2 Wood for heating $ENDUSE27 SOHEAT2 Solar for heating $ENDUSE27 OTHEAT2 Other fuel for heating $ENDUSE27 FOILST2N Fuel oil used for steam $YESNO15. ELCOOL2 Electricity for cooling $ENDUSE27 NGCOOL2 Natural gas for cooling $ENDUSE27 FKCOOL2 Fuel oil/kerosene for cooling $ENDUSE27 STCOOL2 Purchased steam for cooling $ENDUSE27 CWCOOL2 Purchased chilled water for cooling $ENDUSE27 PRCOOL2 Propane for cooling $ENDUSE27 HWCOOL2 Purchased hot water for cooling $ENDUSE27 SOCOOL2 Solar for cooling $ENDUSE27 OTCOOL2 Other fuel for cooling $ENDUSE27 GENER2R Capacity to generate electricity $YESNO15. NGGENR2 Natural gas to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 FKGENR2 Fuel oil/kerosene to gener. electric. $ENDUSE27 STGENR2 Purchased steam to gener. electric. $ENDUSE27 COGENR2 Coal to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 PRGENR2 Propane to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 HWGENR2 Purchased hot water to gener. electric. $ENDUSE27 WOGENR2 Wood to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 SOGENR2 Solar to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 OTGENR2 Other fuel to generate electricity $ENDUSE27 NFLOOR2 Number of floors NFLOOR15. YRCON2 Year constructed YEARFMT15 GLASP2 Glass covers 50% or more $YESNO15. GLS752M Glass covers 75% or more $YESNO15. GLS252M Glass covers 25% or more $YESNO15. GLASS2 Conservation glass $YESNO15. NTANKS2R Number of tanks MISS3CH15 TNKCAP2M Total tank capacity (gallons) MISS7CH15 CLIMAT2 Climate zone (AIA code) $CLIMAT23 File02: (file02_cb83.csv) BLDGID2 Building ID STR402 Half-sample stratum PAIR402 Half-sample pair number SQFTC2 Square footage $SQFTC17. BCWM2C Principal activity $BCWOM25. YRCONC2C Year constructed $YRCONC15 REGION2 Census region $REGION13 XSECWT2 Cross-sectional weight ELSUPL2N Supplier reported electricity use $YESNO15. NGSUPL2N Supplier reported natural gas use $YESNO15. FKSUPL2N Supplier reported fuel oil use $YESNO15. STSUPL2N Supplier reported steam use $YESNO15. PRSUPL2N Supplier reported propane use $YESNO15. IMPYR2 Imputed year built $YESNO15. IMPYRC2 Imputed year category $YESNO15. IMPPG2 Imputed over 50% glass $YESNO15. IMPPGC2 Imputed over 25/75% glass $YESNO15. IMPNOF2 Imputed number of floors $YESNO15. IMPSF2 Imputed square footage $IMPSF26. IMPSFC2 Imputed square footage cat. $IMPSF26. IMPNW2 Imputed no. of workers $IMPNW19. IMPNWC2 Imputed no. of workers cat. $YESNO15. IMPMON2 Imputed Monday schedule $YESNO15. IMPTUE2 Imputed Tuesday schedule $YESNO15. IMPWED2 Imputed Wednesday schedule $YESNO15. IMPTHU2 Imputed Thursday schedule $YESNO15. IMPFRI2 Imputed Friday schedule $YESNO15. IMPSAT2 Imputed Saturday schedule $YESNO15. IMPSUN2 Imputed Sunday schedule $YESNO15. IMPHP2 Imputed percent heated $YESNO15. IMPCP2 Imputed pct. air conditioned $YESNO15. IMPBL2 Imputed boilers $YESNO15. IMPNBL2 Imputed no. of boilers $YESNO15. IMPNFT2 Imputed no. of fuel oil tanks $YESNO15. IMPCAP2 Imputed fuel oil capacity $YESNO15. IMPSFD2 Imputed square footage change $YESNO15. IMPHFN2 Imputed heat with furnace/boiler $YESNO15. IMPFIO2 Imputed furnace inside or outside $YESNO15. IMPSU2 Imputed self-contained unit $YESNO15. IMPDUC2 Imputed heat distd. thru ducts $YESNO15. IMPFAN2 Imputed heat distd. with fans $YESNO15. IMPBAS2 Imputed heat distd. via baseboards $YESNO15. IMPEB2 Imputed electric baseboards $YESNO15. IMPHWB2 Imputed hot water baseboards $YESNO15. IMPSB2 Imputed steam baseboards $YESNO15. IMPRAD2 Imputed heat distd. via radiators $YESNO15. IMPWFC2 Imputed heat distd. via panels $YESNO15. IMPCWN2 Imputed window A/C units $YESNO15. IMPCWL2 Imputed wall A/C units $YESNO15. IMPCST2 Imputed cooling system type $YESNO15. IMPBLT2 Imputed A/C manufacture $YESNO15. IMPMNT2 Imputed regular maintenance $YESNO15. IMPCMP2 Imputed control by computer $YESNO15. IMPPA2 Imputed professional audit $YESNO15. IMPTA2 Imputed type of auditor $YESNO15. IMPUA2 Imputed utility audit available $YESNO15. IMPCA2 Imputed response to audit $YESNO15. IMPOCC2 Imputed number of establishments $YESNO15. IMPFED2 Imputed federal govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPST2 Imputed state govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPLOC2 Imputed local govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPGOV2 Imputed government ownership $YESNO15. IMPBN2 Imputed presence of new boilers $YESNO15. IMPNBN2 Imputed number of new boilers $YESNO15. File03: (file03_cb83.csv) BLDGID2 Building ID STR402 Half-sample stratum PAIR402 Half-sample pair number SQFTC2 Square footage $SQFTC17. BCWM2C Principal activity $BCWOM25. YRCONC2C Year constructed $YRCONC15 REGION2 Census region $REGION13 XSECWT2 Cross-sectional weight ELSUPL2N Supplier reported electricity use $YESNO15. NGSUPL2N Supplier reported natural gas use $YESNO15. FKSUPL2N Supplier reported fuel oil use $YESNO15. STSUPL2N Supplier reported steam use $YESNO15. PRSUPL2N Supplier reported propane use $YESNO15. ELCNS2 Annual electric consumption (kWh) COMMA18. ELBTU2 Annual electric consumption (1,000 Btu) COMMA18. ELEXP2 Annual electric expenditures (dollars) COMMA10. ELDSAG2 Disaggregated electricity data $DISAGG27 ELIMPC2 Elec.consumpt. imputation method $IMPTYP30 ELIMPE2 Elec.expend. imputation method $IMPTYP30 NGCNS2 Annual natural gas consumpt (100 cu.ft.) COMMA18. NGBTU2 Annual natural gas consumpt (1,000 Btu) COMMA18. NGEXP2 Annual natural gas expenditure (dollars) COMMA10. NGDSAG2 Disaggregated natural gas data $DISAGG27 NGIMPC2 Nat.gas consumpt. imputation method $IMPTYP30 NGIMPE2 Nat.gas expend. imputation method $IMPTYP30 FKCNS2 Annual fuel oil deliveries (gallons) COMMA18. FKBTU2 Annual fuel oil deliveries (1,000 Btu) COMMA18. FKEXP2 Annual fuel oil expenditures (dollars) COMMA10. FKDSAG2 Disaggregated fuel oil data $DISAGG27 FKIMPC2 Fuel oil consumpt. imputation method $IMPTYP30 FKIMPE2 Fuel oil expend. imputation method $IMPTYP30 PRCNS2 Annual propane deliveries (gallons) COMMA18. PRBTU2 Annual propane deliveries (1,000 Btu) COMMA18. PREXP2 Annual propane expenditures (dollars) COMMA10. PRDSAG2 Disaggregated propane data $DISAGG27 PRIMPC2 Propane consumpt. imputation method $IMPTYP30 PRIMPE2 Propane expend. imputation method $IMPTYP30 STCNS2 Annual steam consumption (1,000 pounds) COMMA18. STBTU2 Annual steam consumption (1,000 Btu) COMMA18. STEXP2 Annual steam expenditures (dollars) COMMA10. STDSAG2 Disaggregated steam data $DISAGG27 STIMPC2 Steam consumpt. imputation method $IMPTYP30 STIMPE2 Steam expend. imputation method $IMPTYP30 HDD652 Heating degree-days (base 65) COMMA6. CDD652 Cooling degree-days (base 65) COMMA6. File04: (file04_cb83.csv) BLDGID2 Building ID STR402 Half-sample stratum PAIR402 Half-sample pair number SQFTC2 Square footage $SQFTC17. BCWM2C Principal activity $BCWOM25. YRCONC2C Year constructed $YRCONC15 REGION2 Census region $REGION13 XSECWT2 Cross-sectional weight ELSUPL2N Supplier reported electricity use $YESNO15. NGSUPL2N Supplier reported natural gas use $YESNO15. FKSUPL2N Supplier reported fuel oil use $YESNO15. STSUPL2N Supplier reported steam use $YESNO15. PRSUPL2N Supplier reported propane use $YESNO15. SQFT1T Square footage (from 1979) SQFT15. SQFTC1T Square footage (from 1979) $SQFTC17. HEATP1T Percent of building heated in 1979 MISS3CH15 COOLP1T Percent air conditioned in 1979 MISS3CH15 ELUSED1T Electricity reported in 1979 $YESNO15. NGUSED1T Natural gas reported in 1979 $YESNO15. FKUSED1T Fuel/kerosene reported in 1979 $YESNO15. STUSED1T Purchased steam reported in 1979 $YESNO15. CWUSED1T Purch. chilled water reported in 1979 $YESNO15. COUSED1T Coal reported in 1979 $YESNO15. PRUSED1T Propane (LPG) reported in 1979 $YESNO15. HWUSED1T Purchased hot water reported in 1979 $YESNO15. WOUSED1T Wood reported in 1979 $YESNO15. SOUSED1T Solar energy reported in 1979 $YESNO15. NFLOOR1T Number of floors (1979) NFLOOR15. YRCON1T Year constructed (1979) YEARFMT15 YRCONC1T Year constructed (1979) $YRCONC15 BCWM1T Principal activity (1979) $BCWOM25. GLASP1T Glass>=50% exterior (1979) $YESNO15. GLASPC1T Percent glass (1979) $GLASPC15 GLASS1T Special glass (1979) $YESNO15. NTANKS1T Number of tanks (1979) MISS3CH15 TOTCAP1T Total tank capacity (1979) MISS7CH15 IMPSF1T Imp. square footage (1979) $YESNO15. IMPNOF1T Imp. no. of floors (1979) $YESNO15. IMPYR1T Imp. year constructed (1979) $YESNO15. IMPYRC1T Imp. year category (1979) $YESNO15. IMPPG1T Imp. >=50% glass (1979) $YESNO15. IMPPGC1T Imp. percent glass (1979) $YESNO15. IMPNFT1T Imp. no. of tanks (1979) $YESNO15. IMPCAP1T Imp. tank capacity (1979) $YESNO15. LONGWT2 Longitudinal weight *** PROGRAM TO CREATE FORMAT LIBRARY FOR THE 1979-83 CBECS DATA ***; PROC FORMAT LIBRARY=SASLIB; VALUE $AUDTR ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Private contractor' ‘2’ ='Utility company representative' ‘3’ ='Someone else' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $BCWM ' '='1983 nonrespondent' ‘01’ ='Agricultural' ‘02’ ='Assembly' ‘03’ ='Educational' ‘04’ ='Food sales/service' ‘05’ ='Health care (in-patient)' ‘06’ ='Health care (out-patient)' ‘07’ ='Industrial' ‘08’ ='Laboratory' ‘09’ ='Mercantile/service' ‘10’ ='Mixed use' ‘11’ ='Office' ‘12’ ='Public order/safety' ‘13’ ='Residential' ‘14’ ='Lodging' ‘15’ ='Warehouse/storage' ‘16’ ='Other' ‘17’ ='Vacant' ‘18’ ='Automobile sales/service' ‘81’ ='100 percent residential' ‘82’ ='Demolished' ‘83’ ='Dodge overlap' ‘84’ ='Not a building' ‘85’ ='Combined building' ‘86’ ='Under list sample size cutoff'; VALUE $BLCOV ' '='Not applicable' ‘1’ ='Just this building' ‘2’ ='More than this building' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $BLDG ' '='Inapplicable' ‘0100’='Agricultural buildings' ‘0110’='Agricultural (on farms)' ‘0120’='Livestock (non-farm)' ‘0130’='Agricultural service buildings' ‘0200’='Assembly building' ‘0210’='Social,public,civic assembly' ‘0220’='Religious assembly' ‘0230’='Recreational facility' ‘0231’='Gymnasium' ‘0232’='Pool room' ‘0233’=Amusement arcade' ‘0234’='Skating rink' ‘0235’='Bowling alley' ‘0236’='Indoor pool' ‘0237’='Other recreational facility' ‘0240’='Entertainment building' ‘0241’='Archive,library, museum, art gallery' ‘0242’='Observatory, arena' ‘0243’='Concert hall' ‘0244’='Coliseum, arena' ‘0245’='Theater, movie, cinema' ‘0246’='Radio-tv studio' ‘0247’='Night club' ‘0248’='Other entertainment building' ‘0250’='Other enclosed assembly building' ‘0251’='Passenger terminal' ‘0252’='Armory' ‘0253’='Other enclosed assembly' ‘0260’='Non-enclosed or partial structure' ‘0261’='Stadium' ‘0262’='Grandstand' ‘0263’='Other non-enclosed or partial structure' ‘0300’='Educational building' ‘0310’='Preschool' ‘0320’='Elementary' ‘0330’='Junior high' ‘0340’='Senior high' ‘0350’='College or university' ‘0360’='Vocational school' ‘0400’='Food related sales and service' ‘0410’='Cafeteria' ‘0420’='Full service restaurant' ‘0430’='Carry out service' ‘0440’='Retail food sales' ‘0441’='Supermarket' ‘0442’='Specialty food store' ‘0443’='Meat, seafood market' ‘0444’='Retail bakery' ‘0445’='Farmers market' ‘0446’='Other retail food sales' ‘0500’='Health in-patient card' ‘0510’='Medical care hospital' ‘0520’='Mental facility' ‘0530’='Rehabilitation' ‘0540’='Veterinary hospital' ‘0600’='Health out-patient card' ‘0610’='Medical clinic' ‘0620’='Mental health clinic' ‘0630’='Dental clinic' ‘0640’='Veterinary clinic' ‘0700’='Industrial buildings' ‘0710’='Food processing plant' ‘0720’='Leather, textile mill' ‘0730’='Light assembly' ‘0740’='Heavy assembly' ‘0750’='Paper, chemical, rubber, or petroleum' ‘0760’='Metalworks, glassworks' ‘0770’='Printing, publishing' ‘0780’='Gener., trans., distribution of utility' ‘0790’='Natural resource construc./procurement' ‘0800’='Laboratory' ‘0810’='Mechanical, electrical' ‘0820’='Medical, dental' ‘0830’='Agricultural' ‘0840’='Other laboratory' ‘0900’='Mercantile, service' ‘0910’='Shopping mall' ‘0920’='Strip shopping center' ‘0930’='Retail sales, single establishment' ‘0931’='Bldg. materials/hardware/garden supply' ‘0932’='Gas station' ‘0933’='Department store' ‘0934’='Furniture, home furnishings' ‘0935’='Drugstore' ‘0936’='Automobile dealer' ‘0937’='Multi retail establishment' ‘0938’='Other retail store' ‘0940’='Wholesale goods except food' ‘0950’='Services except food' ‘0951’='Laundry, dry cleaner, car wash' ‘0952’='Motor vehicl repair, service' ‘0953’='Post office' ‘0954’='Personal service' ‘0955’='Multi-service establishment' ‘0956’='Other service' ‘1000’='Mixed use' ‘1010’='Resid/other' ‘1011’='Resid/food related' ‘1012’='Resid/sales nonfood' ‘1013’='Resid/office' ‘1014’='Resid/service' ‘1015’='Resid/other nec' ‘1020’='Office/other activity' ‘1021’='Ofc/non-food retail' ‘1022’='Office/with food sales' ‘1023’='Office/service activity except food' ‘1024’='Office/warehouse' ‘1025’='Real estate, other' ‘1026’='State/federal capital' ‘1030’='Food related/exc office/resid' ‘1031’='Food sales/retail' ‘1032’='Food sales/service' ‘1033’='Food sales/storage' ‘1034’='Other food related/other' ‘1040’='Storage/retail/wholesale/manufacturing' ‘1041’='Storage/food processing' ‘1042’='Storage/retail sales (non-food)' ‘1043’='Storage/wholesale (non-food)' ‘1044’='Storage/manufacturing (non-food)' ‘1050’='Building nec' ‘1051’='Service/retail' ‘1052’='Retail/wholesale' ‘1053’='Service/wholesale' ‘1054’='Ret/whsle/service' ‘1060’='Other mixed not covered' ‘1100’='Office building' ‘1110’='Professional office building' ‘1120’='Financial office building' ‘1130’='Data processing' ‘1131’='Computer center' ‘1132’='Other data processing' ‘1200’='Public order and safety' ‘1210’='Fire station' ‘1220’='Police station' ‘1230’='Jail' ‘1240’='Reformatory' ‘1250’='Penitentiary' ‘1260’='Courthouse' ‘1270’='Sheriffs office' ‘1280’='Other public order and safety' ‘1300’='Residential housekeeping' ‘1310’='Multi-family' ‘1311’='High-rise apartments' ‘1312’='Low-rise apartments' ‘1320’='Single family' ‘1321’='Detached' ‘1322’='Duplex' ‘1323’='Triplex' ‘1324’='Quadraplex' ‘1325’='Townhouse, rowhouse' ‘1330’='Mobile homes' ‘1400’='Resid. non-housekeeping' ‘1410’='Short-term residential' ‘1411’='Shelter home' ‘1412’='Motel' ‘1413’='Tourist home' ‘1414’='Hotel' ‘1415’='Convention hotel' ‘1416’='Inn' ‘1417’='Other short-term residential' ‘1420’='Long-term residential' ‘1421’='Boarding house' ‘1422’='Orphanage' ‘1423’='Home for aged, nursing home' ‘1424’='Convent, monastery' ‘1425’='Dormitory, sorority, fraternity' ‘1426’='Other long-term residential' ‘1500’='Storage' ‘1510’='Agricultural storage' ‘1520’='Warehouse non-refrigerated' ‘1530’='Refrigerated storage' ‘1540’='Other storage' ‘1600’='Other building nec' ‘1610’='Crematorium' ‘1620’='Parking garage' ‘1630’='Hanger' ‘1640’='Telephone exchange' ‘1650’='Rest rooms' ‘1660’='Other' ‘1700’='Vacant' ‘9999’='Not ascertained'; VALUE $BOILR ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘3’ ='No longer in service' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $CERTCMP ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Full compliance' ‘2’ ='Exempted compliance' ‘3’ ='Excepted from compliance' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $CLIMAT ‘1’ ='<2000 CDD,>7000 HDD' ‘2’ ='<2000 CDD,5500-7000 HDD' ‘3’ ='<2000 CDD,4000-5499 HDD' ‘4’ ='<2000 CDD,<4000 HDD' ‘6’ ='>=2000 CDD,<4000 HDD'; VALUE $CSTBLT ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Built for many buildings' ‘2’ ='Built for just this building' ‘3’ ='Built for both' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $DISAGG ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Disaggregation performed' ‘2’ ='Unable to disaggregate' ‘3’ ='Disaggregation not required'; VALUE $ENDUSE ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘3’ ='No (supplier survey update)' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $PRORATE ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Prorated'; VALUE $FNBLIO ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Within the building' ‘2’ ='Outside the building' ‘3’ ='Both within and outside the building' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $GLASPC ‘1’ ='75 to 100%' ‘2’ ='50 to 74%' ‘3’ ='25 to 49%' ‘4’ ='0 to 25%' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $HCDDF ‘0’ ='Weather fully reported' ‘’1 ='Weather underreported' ‘2,9’='Weather not reported'; VALUE $IMPFLAG ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘7’ ='Aggegate value'; VALUE $IMPNW ' '='Not imputed' ‘1’ ='Hot deck imputation' ‘2’ ='Midpoint of range' ‘6’ ='Aggregate value'; VALUE $IMPSF ‘0’ ='Not imputed' ‘1’ ='Hot deck imputation' ‘2’ ='Midpoint of range' ‘3’ ='Transferred from 1979' ‘4’ ='Based on other information' ‘6’ ='Aggregate value'; VALUE $IMPTYP ' '='Fuel not used' ‘0’ ='No imputations required' ‘1’ ='Prorated from adjacent periods' ‘2’ ='Hot deck imputation' ‘3’ ='Regression estimate' ‘4’ ='Prorated worksheet' ‘6,7’='Aggregate value'; VALUE $LONG ‘1’ ='Longitudinal' ‘2’ ='Demolition' ‘3’ ='New construction' ‘4’ ='Non-Response 1979 (In-Scope)' ‘5’ ='Non-Response 1983' ‘6’ ='Overlap' ‘7’ ='Shift-in' ‘8’ ='Shift-out' ‘9’ ='Out-of-scope'; VALUE $MAINT ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘3’ ='Maintenance for heating but not A/C' ‘4’ ='Maintenance for A/C but not heating' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; PICTURE MISS2CH 97 ='Refused' 98 ='Don''t know' 99 ='Not ascertained'; PICTURE MISS3CH 997 ='Refused' 998 ='Don''t know' 999 ='Not ascertained'; PICTURE MISS4CH 0-9996='0,009' 9997 ='Refused' 9998 ='Don''t know' 9999 ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $NRH ' '='No heat supplied' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $NWKERC ‘01’ ='Less than 10' ‘02’ ='10-19' ‘03’ ='20-49' ‘04’ ='50-99' ‘05’ ='100-249' ‘06’ ='250-499' ‘07’ ='500-999' ‘08’ ='1,000-2,499' ‘09’ ='2,500 or more'; VALUE $OCCNUM ‘0’ ='None' ‘1’ ='One' ‘2’ ='More than one' ‘7’ ='Refused' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $REGION ‘1’ ='Northeast' ‘2’ ='Midwest' ‘3’ ='South' ‘4’ ='West'; VALUE $RESCC ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='No' ‘3’ ='No air conditioning' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $RESHALF ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='50% or more' ‘2’ ='Under 50%' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $RES1QTR ‘1’ ='25% or over' ‘2’ ='Less than 25%' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $RES3QTR ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='75 Percent or over' ‘2’ ='50 to 75 Percent' ‘3’ ='25 to 49 Percent' ‘4’ ='Under 25%' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $SEAS ‘1’ ='Year round use' ‘2’ ='Seasonal use' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $SMSA ‘0’ ='Non-SMSA' ‘1’ ='SMSA'; VALUE $SQFTC ' '='Inapplicable' ‘01’ ='1,000 or less' ‘02’ ='1,001-5,000' ‘03’ ='5,001-10,000' ‘04’ ='10,001-25,000' ‘05’ ='25,001-50,000' ‘06’ ='50,001-100,000' ‘07’ ='100,001-200,000' ‘08’ ='200,001-500,000' ‘09’ ='500,001-1 million' ‘10’ ='Over 1 million'; PICTURE TEMP 997 ='Not operating' 998 ='Don''t know' 999 ='Not applicable'; VALUE $TIMEC ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='At construction' ‘2’ ='Since construction' ‘3’ ='At constr. & later' ‘8’ ='Don''t know' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $USE ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Yes' ‘2’ ='Not used' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained'; PICTURE YEARFMT 9997 ='Refused' 9998 ='Don''t know' 9999 ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $YESNO ' '='Inapplicable' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 6 ='Aggregate value' 7 ='Refused' 8 ='Don''t know' 9 ='Not ascertained'; VALUE $YRCONC ' '='Inapplicable' ‘01’ ='1900 or before' ‘02’ ='1901-1920' ‘03’ ='1921-1945' ‘04’ ='1946-1960' ‘05’ ='1961-1970' ‘06’ ='1971-1973' ‘07’ ='1974-1979' ‘08’ ='1980-1983'; VALUE $WSTTYP ' '='Inapplicable' ‘1’ ='Computer room' ‘2’ ='Refrigeration or A/C' ‘3’ ='Process' ‘4’ ='Other' ‘5’ ='Computer/refrigeration' ‘9’ ='Not ascertained';