For each variable on the 1999 CBECS public use file, a format is given in the fourth column of the file layouts. To determine what each value of a variable means, find its corresponding format on this alphabetical list of the format codes (ignoring the first words "VALUE" or "PICTURE" for each). VALUE $CENDIV '1'='New England' '2'='Middle Atlantic' '3'='East North Central' '4'='West North Central' '5'='South Atlantic' '6'='East South Central' '7'='West South Central' '8'='Mountain' '9'='Pacific' ; VALUE $CLEQP '01'='Packaged air conditioning units' '02'='Heat pumps for cooling' '03'='Residential type central air conditioners' '04'='Individual room air conditioners' '05'='District chilled water' '06'='Central chillers inside the building' '07'='"Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers' '08'='Some other cooling equipment' ; VALUE $CLIMAT '1'='<2000 CDD,>7000 HDD' '2'='<2000 CDD,5500-7000 HDD' '3'='<2000 CDD,4000-5499 HDD' '4'='<2000 CDD,<4000 HDD' '5'='>=2000 CDD,<4000 HDD' ; VALUE $DAYSOPN '1'='Open all five days (Mon-Fri)' '2'='Open some of these days (Mon-Fri)' '3'='Not open at all (Mon-Fri)' ; VALUE $EQPOFF '1'='Always turned off' '2'='Sometimes turned off' '3'='Never turned off' '4'='COMPUTERS ARE "POWERED DOWN"' '7'='Not Ascertained' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $FACACT '01'='College, university, or junior college' '02'='Primary or secondary school (grades K-12)' '03'='Other type of school' '04'='Office complex' '05'='Retail complex' '06'='Religious campus or complex' '07'='Hospital or other health care complex' '08'='Post office' '09'='Other type of government complex' '10'='Industrial complex' '11'='Transportation complex (e.g. terminal, depot, airport)' '12'='Some other type of campus or complex' ; VALUE $GENUSE '1'='Primarily for emergency back-up' '2'='Only during periods of high electricity demand' '3'='Whenever electricity was used' ; VALUE $GOVTYP '1'='Federal government' '2'='State government' '3'='Local government' ; VALUE $HTEQP '01'='Packaged heating units' '02'='Heat pumps, other than packaged units' '03'='Furnaces that heat air directly' '04'='Individual space heaters' '05'='District steam or hot water' '06'='Boilers inside the building' '07'='Some other heating equipment' ; VALUE $HRSCAT '1'='Zero' '2'='1 to 39' '3'='40 to 48' '4'='49 to 60' '5'='61 to 84' '6'='85 to 167' '7'='Always open' ; VALUE $LIT1CAT '1'='1 to 25 percent' '2'='26 to 50 percent' '3'='51 to 75 percent' '4'='76 to 100 percent' '5'='Not lit at all when open' ; VALUE $LIT2CAT '1'='1 to 25 percent' '2'='26 to 50 percent' '3'='51 to 75 percent' '4'='76 to 100 percent' '5'='Not lit at all during off hours' ; PICTURE MISS2CH 0-96 = '09' 97 = 'Not ascertained' 98 = 'Refused' 99 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS3CH 0-996 = '009' 997 = 'Not ascertained' 998 = 'Refused' 999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS4CH 0-9996 = '0,009' 9997 = 'Not ascertained' 9998 = 'Refused' 9999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS5CH 0-99996 = '00,009' 99997 = 'Not ascertained' 99998 = 'Refused' 99999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS6CH 0-999996 = '000,009' 999997 = 'Not ascertained' 999998 = 'Refused' 999999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS8CH 0-99999996 = '00,000,009' 99999997 = 'Not ascertained' 99999998 = 'Refused' 99999999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS10CH 0-9999999996 = '0,000,000,009' 9999999997 = 'Not ascertained' 9999999998 = 'Refused' 9999999999 = 'Don''t know' ; PICTURE MISS15CH 0-999999999999995 = '000,000,000,000,009' 999999999999997 = 'Not Ascertained' 999999999999998 = 'Refused' 999999999999999 = 'Don''t Know' ; VALUE $MONCON '01'='Jan-Mar' '02'='Apr-June' '03'='July-Sept' '04'='Oct-Dec' '99'='Don''t Know' ; PICTURE NFLOOR 0-14 = '009' 991 = '15 to 25' (NOEDIT) 992 = 'Over 25' (NOEDIT) 9997 = 'Not ascertained' 9998 = 'Refused' 9999 = 'Don''t know' ; VALUE $NOCCCAT '01'='Zero' '02'='One' '03'='2 to 5' '04'='6 to 10' '05'='11 to 20' '06'='21 to 50' '07'='51 to 100' '08'='More than 100' ; VALUE $PBA '01'='Vacant' '14'='Education' '24'='Enclosed mall' '06'='Food sales' '15'='Food service' '16'='Health care (inpatient)' '18'='Lodging' '04'='Laboratory' '05'='Warehouse (nonrefrig.)' '02'='Office/Professional' '08'='Health care (outpatient)' '13'='Public assembly' '07'='Public order and safety' '11'='Warehouse (refrig.)' '12'='Religious worship' '25'='Retail (excl. mall)' '26'='Service' '17'='Skilled nursing' '23'='Strip shopping mall' '91'='Other' ; VALUE $PBAPLUS '01'='Administrative/Professional office' '02'='Auto dealership/Showroom' '03'='Auto service/Auto repair' '04'='Bank/Financial' '05'='Clinic/Outpatient health' '06'='College/University' '07'='Courthouse/Probation office' '08'='Doctor/Dentist office' '09'='Dormitory/Fraternity/Sorority' '10'='Dry cleaner/Laundromat' '11'='Elementary/Middle/High school' '12'='Enclosed mall' '13'='Entertainment (Theater/Sports arena/Nightclub)' '14'='Fire station/Police station' '15'='Government office' '16'='Grocery store/Food market' '17'='Hospital/Inpatient health' '18'='Hotel' '19'='Jail/Reformatory/Penitentiary' '20'='Laboratory' '21'='Library/Museum' '22'='Motel/Inn/Resort' '23'='Non-refrigerated warehouse' '24'='Nursing home/Assisted living' '25'='Other education' '26'='Other food sales or service' '27'='Other health care' '28'='Other lodging' '29'='Other office' '30'='Other public assembly' '31'='Other public order and safety' '32'='Other retail' '33'='Other service' '34'='Post office/Postal center' '35'='Preschool/Daycare' '36'='Recreation (Gymnasium/Bowling alley/Health club)' '37'='Refrigerated warehouse' '38'='Religious worship' '39'='Repair shop' '40'='Restaurant/Bar/Fast food/Cafeteria' '41'='Social meeting center/Convention center' '42'='Store' '43'='Strip shopping center' '44'='Vacant' '45'='Other' ; VALUE $PBAX '11'='Office' '12'='Warehouse' '13'='Food sales or service' '14'='Retail' '15'='Education' '16'='Worship' '17'='Public assembly' '18'='Health care' '19'='Service' '20'='Lodging' '21'='Public order' '22'='Residential' '23'='Industrial' '24'='Agricultural' '25'='Vacant' '26'='Other' ; VALUE $PCCAT '01'='1 to 4' '02'='5 to 9' '03'='10 to 19' '04'='20 to 49' '05'='50 to 99' '06'='100 to 249' '07'='250 to 499' '08'='500 to 999' '09'='1,000 to 2,499' '10'='2,500 to 4,999' '11'='5,000 or more' ; VALUE $PRAMT '1'='Less than 100' '2'='100 to 499' '3'='500 to 999' '4'='1,000 or more' '7'='Not Ascertained' '8'='Refused' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $PRUNIT '1'='Gallons' '2'='Pounds' '7'='Not Ascertained' '8'='Refused' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $REGION '1'='Northeast' '2'='Midwest' '3'='South' '4'='West' ; VALUE $SQFTCAT '01'='1,000 sq ft or less' '02'='1,001 to 5,000 sq ft' '03'='5,001 to 10,000 sq ft' '04'='10,001 to 25,000 sq ft' '05'='25,001 to 50,000 sq ft' '06'='50,001 to 100,000 sq ft' '07'='100,001 to 200,000 sq ft' '08'='200,001 to 500,000 sq ft' '09'='500,001 to 1 million sq ft' '10'='Over 1 million sq ft' ; VALUE $WATREQP '1'='One or more centralized water heaters' '2'='One or more "point-of-use" water heaters' '3'='Both centralized and point-of-use water heaters' ; VALUE $WINDTYP '1'='Single paned windows,' '2'='Multi-paned windows' '3'='Both single and multi-paned windows' '4'='No windows in building' ; VALUE $WOAMT '1'='Less than 1 cord' '2'='1 to 9 cords' '3'='10 to 20 cords' '4'='More than 20 cords' '7'='Not Ascertained' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $WODOLS '1'='$1 to $100' '2'='$101 to $500' '3'='$501 to $1,000' '4'='$1,001 to $2,000' '5'='Over $2,000' '7'='Not Ascertained' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $WORKCAT '01'='None' '02'='1 to 4' '03'='5 to 9' '04'='10 to 19' '05'='20 to 49' '06'='50 to 99' '07'='100 to 249' '08'='250 to 499' '09'='500 to 999' '10'='1000 to 2499' '11'='2500 to 4999' '12'='5000 or More' ; VALUE $WOSRC '1'='Purchase all the wood' '2'='Obtain all wood free of charge' '3'='Some wood purchased and some free' ; VALUE $YEARCAT '01'='Before 1920' '02'='1920 to 1945' '03'='1946 to 1959' '04'='1960 to 1969' '05'='1970 to 1979' '06'='1980 to 1989' '07'='1990 to 1995' '08'='1996 to 1999' '09'='2000' ; VALUE $YESNO '1'='Yes' '2'='No' '7'='Not Ascertained' '8'='Refused' '9'='Don''t Know' ; VALUE $YES '1'='Yes' '9'='Don''t Know' ; PICTURE YRCON 0-1491 = '*9999*' 1492-1999 = '9999' 2000-9996 = '*9999*' 9999 = 'Don''t know' ; VALUE $ZCNSEXP '0' = 'Reported' '3' = 'Regression estimate' '9' = 'Not supplied' ; VALUE $ZVAR '0'='Reported' '1'='Imputed' '9'='Inapplicable' ;