Layout for File 7: Lighting Percents, Equipment, and Conservation Features Variable Name Variable Description Position Format PUBID7 Building identifier 1- 5 REGION7 Census region 7- 7 $REGION. CENDIV7 Census division 9- 9 $CENDIV. SQFT7 Square footage 11- 20 MISS10CH. SQFTC7 Square footage category 22- 23 $SQFTCAT. YRCONC7 Year of construction category 25- 26 $YEARCAT. PBA7 Principal building activity 28- 29 $PBA. ELUSED7 Electricity used in 1999 31- 31 $YESNO. NGUSED7 Natural gas used in 1999 33- 33 $YESNO. FKUSED7 Fuel oil used in 1999 35- 35 $YESNO. PRUSED7 Propane used in 1999 37- 37 $YESNO. STUSED7 District steam used in 1999 39- 39 $YESNO. HWUSED7 District hot water used in 1999 41- 41 $YESNO. LTOHRP7 Percent of building lit when open 43- 45 MISS3CH. LOHRPC7 Percent lit when open category 47- 47 $LIT1CAT. LTNHRP7 Percent of building lit during off hours 49- 51 MISS3CH. LNHRPC7 Percent lit off hours category 53- 53 $LIT2CAT. RDLTNF7 Reduce lighting during off hours 55- 55 $YESNO. BULB7 Incandescent light bulbs used 57- 57 $YESNO. FLUOR7 Fluorescent lighting used 59- 59 $YESNO. CFLR7 Compact fluorescent bulbs used 61- 61 $YESNO. HID7 High intensity discharge lights used 63- 63 $YESNO. HALO7 Halogen bulbs used 65- 65 $YESNO. OTLT7 Other lighting used 67- 67 $YESNO. FLUORP7 Percent lit by fluorescent 69- 71 MISS3CH. CFLRP7 Percent lit by compact fluorescent 73- 75 MISS3CH. BULBP7 Percent lit by incandescent 77- 79 MISS3CH. HALOP7 Percent lit by halogen 81- 83 MISS3CH. HIDP7 Percent lit by high intensity discharge 85- 87 MISS3CH. OTLTP7 Percent lit by other lighting 89- 91 MISS3CH. SREF7 Specular reflectors used 93- 93 $YESNO. HEB7 Electronic ballasts used 95- 95 $YESNO. SKYLT7 Skylights/atriums designed for light 97- 97 $YESNO. WINTYP7 Type of windows in building 99- 99 $WINDTYP. TRG7 Tinted or reflective glass in windows 101- 101 $YESNO. ADJWT7 Adjusted weight 103- 110 PAIR7 Pair member 112- 112 STRATUM7 Variance stratum 114- 115