CIPSEA Training

Question 4 – Does CIPSEA require the government to follow any specific procedures?

EIA plans to use the CIPSEA statute to protect information collected on a survey. The survey manager asks you whether EIA needs to test any of the proposed statistical aggregate information to determine whether the numbers are sensitive to revealing any identifiable reported values from survey respondents.

- Pick one answer -

A. It depends on whether any of the respondents requested confidentiality protection when the survey form was approved by the Office of Management and Budget.
B. Yes, EIA must apply appropriate data protection methods to all information protected under CIPSEA that is publicly released to ensure that the disclosure risk of any table cells is minimized.
C. No, the government has discretion on whether to protect the identifiability of CIPSEA-protected data when it only publishes statistical aggregates.
D. Yes, EIA must test all information, both CIPSEA and non-CIPSEA protected, that it publicly releases to determine whether it is sensitive to revealing any identifiable reported values from survey respondents.
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