Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update data
September 12 11 Tables and chart data for week ending September 11
  5 4 Tables and chart data for week ending September 4
August 29 28 Tables and chart data for week ending August 28
  22 21 Tables and chart data for week ending August 21
  15 14 Tables and chart data for week ending August 14
  8 7 Tables and chart data for week ending August 7
  1 7/31 Tables and chart data for week ending July 31
July 25 24 Tables and chart data for week ending July 24
  18 17 Tables and chart data for week ending July 17
  11 10 Tables and chart data for week ending July 10
June 27 26 Tables and chart data for week ending June 26
  20 19 No report released
  13 12 Tables and chart data for week ending June 12
  6 5 Tables and chart data for week ending June 5
May 30 29 Tables and chart data for week ending May 29
  23 22 Tables and chart data for week ending May 22
  16 15 Tables and chart data for week ending May 15
  9 8 Tables and chart data for week ending May 8
  2 1 Tables and chart data for week ending May 1
April 25 24 Tables and chart data for week ending April 24
  18 17 Tables and chart data for week ending April 17
  11 10 Tables and chart data for week ending April 10
  4 3 Tables and chart data for week ending April 3
March 28 27 Tables and chart data for week ending March 27
  21 20 Tables and chart data for week ending March 20
  14 13 Tables and chart data for week ending March 13
  07 06 Tables and chart data for week ending March 6
February 29 28 Tables and chart data for week ending February 28
  22 21 Tables and chart data for week ending February 21
  15 14 Tables and chart data for week ending February 14
  8 7 Tables and chart data for week ending February 7
  1 1/31 Tables and chart data for week ending January 31
January 25 24 Tables and chart data for week ending January 24
  18 17 Tables and chart data for week ending January 17
  11 10 Tables and chart data for week ending January 10
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 21 20 We are excited to announce changes to Today in Energy (TIE).
  14 13 U.S. monthly dry natural gas production reaches record high in November 2023
  7 7 Japan and South Korea LNG storage has been at peak monthly levels for most of 2023
November 30 29 Countries in the Middle East and North Africa supply about one-third of global LNG
  16 15 Working natural gas stocks end refill season above five-year average
  9 8 More than 20 Bcf/d of natural gas pipeline capacity is being developed for new U.S. LNG export terminals
  2 1 Associated natural gas production nearly triples in the top three Permian oil plays since 2018
October 26 25 LNG exports from North America are set to expand with new projects
  19 18 Associated natural gas production increased 9% in 2022 due to higher crude oil production
  12 11 Average U.S. natural gas bills expected to decrease this winter
  5 4 U.S. natural gas-directed rig count has declined 26% since start of 2023
September 28 27 Natural gas combined-cycle power plants increased utilization with improved technology
  21 20 Higher Permian well productivity, crude prices drive U.S. marketed natural gas production growth
  14 13 The United States exported a record volume of natural gas in the first half of 2023
  7 6 California regulators approve increase in working natural gas storage capacity at Aliso Canyon
August 31 30 New natural gas-fired capacity additions expected to total 8.6 gigawatts in 2023
  24 23 The United States exported more liquefied natural gas (LNG) than any other country in the first six months of 2023
  17 16 U.S. ethane production reaches record high in April 2023
  10 9 Several countries become new liquefied natural gas importers this year
  3 2 U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico established a new monthly record in June 2023
July 27 26 Price difference between Houston Ship Channel and Henry Hub lowest since 2021
  20 19 Natural gas-fired electricity generation was higher in first-half 2023 than in first-half 2022
  13 12 Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities increased in the first half of 2023
  6 5 Natural gas prices fall in first half of 2023 amid high production, high storage levels
June 29 28 Working natural gas stocks, injections, exceed five-year average
  22 21 EIA explores effects of liquefied natural gas exports on the U.S. natural gas market
  15 14 Global trade in liquefied natural gas increased by 5% in 2022
  8 7 Sustained low natural gas prices reduce estimates of economically recoverable natural gas resources in the Haynesville Formation
  1 5/31 Natural gas production in the Permian region reached an annual high in 2022
May 24 23 China’s natural gas consumption and LNG imports declined in 2022
  18 17 U.S. associated natural gas production will likely grow through 2050
  11 10 New projects expected to come online in 2023 and 2024 add natural gas and crude oil production to the U.S. Gulf of Mexico
  4 3 U.S. natural gas power burn during the heating season was the highest on record this past winter
April 27 26 Mild 2022–2023 winter leads to record-high end-of-season storage inventories in Europe
  20 19 Haynesville natural gas production reached a record high in February 2023
  13 12 Net withdrawals from working natural gas stocks were the lowest in seven years during the 2022–23 heating season
  6 5 Pennsylvania natural gas production fell by 2% in 2022
March 30 29 South Central storage withdrawals set a record low this winter heating season
  23 22 U.S. natural gas consumption reaches five-year lows in January and February 2023
  16 15 Europe was the main destination for U.S. LNG exports in 2022
  9 8 Liquefied natural gas will continue to lead growth in U.S. natural gas exports
  2 1 U.S. ethane demand grew 9% in 2022 driven by petrochemical capacity additions
February 23 22 Natural gas pipeline capacity additions between states are the lowest since 1995
  16 15 The Henry Hub natural gas spot price declined 41% in January
  9 8 Horizontal wells produced 78% of all U.S. natural gas production in 2022
  2 1 Growth in global LNG export capacity will be limited in 2023
January 26 25 U.S. LNG sale and purchase agreements increased in 2022
  19 18 U.S. natural gas consumption reaches daily record high in December 2022
  12 11 Natural gas consumption, production, and exports broke records in 2022 as real average prices hit 14-year high
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 22 21 Natural gas spot prices in the western United States nearly reached or exceeded $50.00/MMBtu in December
  15 14 U.S. industrial natural gas consumption expected to increase more than 3% in 2022
  8 7 Simple-cycle natural gas turbine power plants increase capacity factor to over 20% in summer 2022
  1 11/30 Europe’s LNG import capacity set to expand by one-third by end of 2024
November 17 16 EIA expects U.S. natural gas prices to average above $6.00/MMBtu this winter
  10 9 U.S. working natural gas stocks end refill season below five-year average
  3 2 Natural gas imports from Canada help stabilize U.S. markets
October 27 26 United States adds more combined-cycle natural gas turbine electric generating capacity in 2022
  20 19 East region working natural gas in storage is the lowest in five years ahead of the 2022–2023 winter heating season
  13 12 U.S. natural gas bills will increase in all regions this winter
  6 5 Larger-than-normal natural gas storage injections in September improved working gas stocks ahead of winter
September 29 28 Number of drilled but uncompleted wells continues to decline from record-high levels in 2020
  22 21 U.S. LNG imports reach historic lows in first half of 2022
  15 14 U.S. natural gas consumption forecast to increase in all sectors in 2022
  8 7 Waha Hub natural gas price differential to Henry Hub is widening in 2022
  1 8/31 U.S. natural gas-directed rigs rise above pre-COVID levels, raising natural gas production
August 25 24 U.S. LNG export capacity is set to expand further as new projects begin construction
  18 17 U.S. ethane production forecast to grow by 9% in second half of 2022
  11 10 Natural gas price volatility reached an all-time high in first-quarter 2022
  4 3 United States increases natural gas pipeline exports from West Texas to Mexico
July 28 27 The United States became the world’s largest LNG exporter in the first half of 2022
  21 20 California’s working natural gas inventories vary by region this summer
  14 13 Natural gas-fired and renewable power plants continue to lead capacity additions in Mexico
  7 6 U.S. average monthly Henry Hub spot price nearly doubles in 12 months
June 30 29 Global LNG trade grew by 4.5% in 2021
  23 22 First-year productivity of Haynesville and Marcellus wells more than doubled between 2014 and 2020
  16 15 Recent fire causes shutdown at Freeport LNG export terminal
  9 8 EIA forecasts that Gulf of Mexico natural gas production will decline in 2023 despite new projects
  2 1 Record U.S. natural gas demand this winter led to the largest storage withdrawal in four years
May 26 25 EIA expects that natural gas production in the Permian Basin will increase in 2022 and 2023
  19 18 Two pipeline projects completed in the first quarter of 2022 and additional projects approved by FERC
  12 11 Natural gas consumed for U.S. electric power sets January record in 2022
  5 4 Calcasieu Pass, the seventh LNG export terminal in the Lower 48 states, begins production
April 28 27 Average well productivity has increased in the Haynesville formation
  21 20 Gas-oil ratio continues to rise in the Bakken region
  14 13 Net withdrawals from working gas stocks exceeded the five-year average during the 2020–21 heating season
  7 6 China became the world’s largest LNG importer in 2021
March 31 30 EIA projects growth in natural gas liquids feedstock consumption in the bulk chemicals industry
  24 23 Most U.S. gross gas withdrawals and production growth occurred in the Appalachia, Permian, and Haynesville regions in 2021
  17 16 U.S. LNG exports set a new record high 2021, growing by 50% compared with 2020
  10 9 Natural gas consumption in the U.S. industrial sector grows through 2050, driven by the bulk chemicals industry
  3 2 Residential and commercial natural gas prices rise in 2021
February 24 23 Fluctuating weather this winter has significantly affected natural gas prices in New England and Southern California
  17 16 Natural gas interstate pipeline capacity additions in 2021 are lowest since 2016
  10 9 U.S. marketed natural gas production forecast to rise in 2022 and 2023
  3 2 Natural gas-directed rigs in the Appalachian Basin plateaued in the second half of 2021
January 27 26 Average well productivity has increased in the Marcellus
  20 19 New England natural gas prices increase due to supply constraints and high demand
  13 12 EIA forecasts natural gas prices to remain near $4/MMBtu in 2022, lower in 2023
  6 5 Highlights of 2021 U.S. natural gas
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 16 15 China becomes world’s largest LNG importer in the first 10 months of 2021
  9 8 EIA forecasts that U.S. natural gas production will increase in 2022
  2 1 On completion of planned projects, U.S. LNG export capacity will be the world’s largest in 2022
November 18 17 Working gas stocks end refill season 3% below the five-year average
  4 3 New natural gas pipeline capacity serves Gulf Coast, Northeast markets
October 28 27 Hurricane Ida reduced U.S. natural gas production more than any other hurricane over the past ten years
  21 20 Growth in natural gas demand in Asia and low storage stocks in Europe lead to record-high spot prices
  14 13 U.S. natural gas prices likely to remain elevated through the winter
  7 6 2021 industrial natural gas consumption on trend to exceed the 5-year average
September 30 29 Europe’s natural gas storage inventories remain relatively low during the 2021 injection season
  23 22 Henry Hub prices remain higher than Northeast hubs
  16 15 U.S. natural gas consumption to be lower in 2021 and 2022, led by the electric power sector
  9 8 Natural gas-fired power burn sets June record, driving up spot prices this summer
  2 1 Shale natural gas production in the Appalachian Basin sets records in first half of 2021
August 26 25 Associated natural gas production declines in 2020, following three years of growth
  19 18 Higher petrochemical demand for propane to outweigh lower demand for grain drying and space heating this winter
  12 11 EIA expects below-average U.S. natural gas inventories entering the winter heating season
  5 4 Brazil increases LNG imports from the United States amid its worst drought in more than 90 years
July 29 28 Japan highlights hydrogen power at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and continues to diversify fuel sources
  22 21 U.S. liquefied natural gas exports were at record high levels in the first half of 2021
  15 14 U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico reach record highs in June 2021
  8 7 Texas Legislature Responds to Energy Market Disruptions Following Historic Winter Weather
  1 6/30 Growth in global LNG trade was flat in 2020
June 24 23 Pacific Gas and Electric reports reclassification of working gas levels at their natural gas storage facilities in Northern California
  17 16 Reduced pressure on the Texas Eastern Transmission limits southbound capacity from the Appalachia Basin
  10 9 Ethane exports surge with additional export capacity and expanded tanker fleet
  3 2 New infrastructure increases takeaway capacity out of West Texas
May 27 26 Alaska is a major natural gas producer, but little of the natural gas reaches market
  20 19 Dry natural gas production continues to grow from pandemic lows as rig count also increases
  13 12 Ethane affects gas quality on the Northern Border pipeline
  6 5 Natural gas generation is lower compared with a year ago
April 29 28 Growth in U.S. ethane consumption outpaces all other major fuels
  22 21 Natural gas storage inventories in Europe enter injection season 11% below the five-year average
  15 14 Net withdrawals from working gas stocks exceeded the five-year average during the 2020–21 heating season
  8 7 EIA forecasts that U.S. natural gas consumption will decline through 2022
  1 3/31 U.S. ammonia production is growing, and becoming less carbon intensive
March 25 24 Qatar Petroleum makes final investment decision to expand Ras Laffan LNG export project
  18 17 Recent completions of pipeline projects increase natural gas transportation capacity
  11 10 Natural gas plant liquids production grows in 2020 as crude oil and natural gas production decline
  4 3 U.S. LNG exports continued to grow in 2020
February 25 24 Near-record cold temperatures drive near-record withdrawals from working natural gas stocks in the Lower 48 states
  18 17 Freeze-offs contribute to lower natural gas production, higher natural gas prices
  11 10 Warm weather and high storage levels kept natural gas prices low this winter
  4 3 U.S. LNG exports exceed natural gas exports by pipeline
January 28 27 Industrial sector natural gas consumption returns to pre-pandemic levels


21 20 EIA expects higher wholesale U.S. natural gas prices in 2021 and 2022
  14 13 U.S. natural gas production will likely fall in 2021 and rise in 2022
  7 6 U.S. LNG exports set another record in December
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 17 16 European consortium plans to transport hydrogen via repurposed natural gas pipelines
  10 9 Hurricane Laura led to less ethane consumption and a record stock build in September
  3 2 New pipeline capacity into New England increases deliverability of natural gas to constrained market
November 19 18 Lower 48 states working natural gas in underground storage inventories at the end of the refill season (April 1–October 31)
  12 11 Henry Hub price reaches $3.00 for first time since March 2019
  5 4 As solar-powered generation increases in California, natural gas helps meet evening peak demand
October 29 28 Plains Midstream Canada enters into an agreement to expand ownership in North America’s largest natural gas processing center
  22 21 EIA forecasts higher-than-average residential natural gas consumption this winter
  15 14 Hurricane Delta’s impacts on U.S. LNG export facilities are minimal
  8 7 EIA forecasts increased consumption, lower production of propane in the winter of 2020–21
  1 9/30 After Hurricane Laura, Cameron LNG remains offline but Sabine Pass exports resume
September 24 23 Industrial sector consumption of natural gas falls amid slowing economy
  17 16 Natural gas infrastructure in the Netherlands is changing in response to declining natural gas production
  10 9 U.S. net natural gas exports begin to decline in spring 2020
  3 2 Natural gas price differentials to Henry Hub narrowed at most hubs in the first half of 2020
August 27 26 Mexico’s natural gas consumption declines amid COVID-19 mitigation efforts
  20 19 European Union looks to hydrogen as means of decarbonizing the iron and steel industry
  13 12 EIA forecasts resilient, growing ethane production through 2021
  6 5 U.S. sets record for natural gas power burn
July 30 29 Approximately 5 Bcf/d of natural gas pipeline capacity has entered service in 2020
  23 22 Russia’s ethane production is expected to increase more than ten-fold by 2025
  16 15 Natural gas-fired power generation higher in first half of 2020
  9 8 EIA’s updated State Energy Data System shows which states had the most consumption and production in 2018
June 25 24 Henry Hub daily natural gas spot price reaches historic low
  18 17 Myanmar becomes the newest country to begin LNG imports
  11 10 EIA forecasts record natural gas storage levels
  4 3 U.S. Winter 2019–20 Propane Consumption Lower than Last Year
May 28 27 Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities decline to the lowest level since October 2019
  21 20 Poland seeks to diversify natural gas imports
  14 13 Natural gas surpasses coal as primary generation fuel in MISO
  7 6 Higher Western Canada spot prices lower Canada’s natural gas imports into western United States
April 30 29 Natural gas rig count falls to lowest level since 2016
  23 22 Global LNG trade sets another record in 2019, recording the highest-ever annual growth
  16 15 Natural gas stocks post smallest heating season net withdrawals since 2015
  9 8 HGL prices collapse in 2020, revealing how pricing dynamics have changed since 2008
  2 1 With warm weather, U.S. residential and commercial natural gas consumption down in 2020
March 26 25 Low natural gas prices and capacity additions drive 2020 power burn growth in the first quarter
  19 18 Crude oil market conditions contributing to higher natural gas prices at the Waha Hub
  12 11 EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook projects continuing growth for natural gas plant liquids
  5 4 Pipelines plan to increase natural gas deliverability into New England by upgrading existing infrastructure
February 27 26 India’s sixth LNG import terminal comes online
  20 19 European natural gas storage levels are higher than average
  13 12 North Dakota provides regulatory guidance to reduce natural gas flaring
  6 5 Natural gas prices fall to lowest level since 2016 and the lowest January price in 20 years
January 30 29 U.S. ethane exports rise in 2019 as China receives its first U.S. cargos
  23 22 Smithfield begins renewable natural gas production at its Tar Heel, North Carolina pork processing plant
  16 15 U.S. net natural gas exports grow through 2021
  9 8 Top natural gas stories in 2019: record levels of exports, production, and electric power consumption
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 19 18 European LNG imports are at record levels this year
  12 11 Vessel loadings show record levels of U.S. LNG exports in October and November
  5 4 SoCalGas begins December with similar natural gas stock levels but more flexibility compared with last winter
November 21 20 Natural gas-fired generation returns to pre-October levels in PJM and MISO
  14 13 EIA updates heat content values for hydrocarbon gas liquids
  7 6 Net injections post second-largest refill season on record; working gas stocks end refill season higher than the five-year average
October 31 30 Futures prices signal cheaper mid-winter natural gas in most regions in 2020
  24 23 Natural gas inventories surpass five-year average for the first time in two years
  17 16 Elba Island, the sixth U.S. LNG export terminal, begins commercial operations
  10 9 EIA's Winter Fuels Outlook forecasts lower natural gas expenditures for households than last winter
  3 2 Petronet and Tellurian explore partnership in proposed Driftwood LNG facility
September 26 25 Low natural gas spot prices in Northeast drive additional flows out of the region
  19 18 China introduces new incentives for domestic production of tight and shale gas and coalbed methane
  12 11 Freeport LNG becomes the fifth export terminal in Lower 48 states to begin operations
  5 4 Illinois power generation fuel mix changes with coal retirements and natural gas and renewable additions
August 29 28 Corn crop maturity suggests late harvest and high heating fuel demand this winter
  22 21 Permian Basin prices up in recent weeks as the Gulf Coast Express Pipeline nears completion
  15 14 Natural gas production is at record-high levels despite low prices
  8 7 Big Bend Power Station to increase Florida’s natural gas-fired generation capacity
  1 7/31 Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities set a record in July
July 25 24 United States sets new daily record-high for power burn
  18 17 Australia is on track to become the world's largest LNG exporter in 2019
  11 10 Renewable natural gas demand to increase with UPS purchase agreement
June 27 26 Critical notice on the Alliance pipeline rearranges flows in Midwest
  20 19 Growth in Argentina's shale gas production leads to LNG exports
  13 12 Mild weather and record U.S. natural gas production keep prices low despite low storage levels and high exports
  6 5 U.S. LNG exports to Europe increase amid declining demand and spot LNG prices in Asia
May 30 29 EIA publishes the U.S. Liquids Pipelines Projects Database
  23 22 Sempra Energy begins LNG production at its 1.7 Bcf/d Cameron LNG export facility
  16 8 Pennsylvania’s power generation mix changes with natural gas production growth
  9 8 U.S. natural gas plant liquids production hits new record in February
  2 1 Natural gas pipeline projects would expand capacity into New York City
April 25 24 Global LNG trade posts record growth again in 2018, led by the growth in spot and short-term trade
  18 17 Liquefied natural gas imports played a key role in reducing price spikes in New England this winter
  11 10 Natural gas stocks end heating season at the lowest level since 2014
  4 3 United States has been a net exporter of natural gas for more than 12 consecutive months
March 28 27 Renewable natural gas is being used to decarbonize California's transportation sector
  21 20 Natural gas consumption in the electric sector reaches highest-ever level in 2018
  14 13 Pacific Northwest sees highest-recorded natural gas spot prices in the United States since 2014
  7 6 Following Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico’s LNG imports return to previous levels in the second quarter of 2018
February 28 27 Southern California natural gas inventories decrease significantly during colder-than-normal February
  21 20 Bahrain is on track to begin LNG imports this spring
  14 13 As energy markets are showing more love, ethane is feeling less rejected: ethane prices increase as new processing capacity becomes available
  7 6 Polar vortex breaks records in natural gas consumption
January 31 30 Annual Energy Outlook 2019 projects increased natural gas production and exports in a lower price environment
24 23 New methanol plants expected to boost industrial natural gas usage in 2019–20
17 16 U.S. LNG exports increase this winter, as two new trains are placed in service
10 9 Top natural gas stories of 2018 focus on record production, consumption, and exports
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 20 19 Low natural gas storage stocks contribute to recent natural gas futures price volatility
  13 12 In Europe, utilities look to repurpose their assets in a low-carbon future
  6 5 China becomes world's largest natural gas importer, overtaking Japan
November 29 28 Mexico’s natural gas production declines as imports from the United States increase
  15 14 January 2019 Nymex prices remain close to spot prices throughout the 2018 injection season
  8 7 Natural gas stocks end refill season lower than the five-year minimum in all regions
  1 10/31 New Gulf of Mexico projects expected to reverse natural gas production declines
October 25 24 Pipeline explosion in Canada leads to lower U.S. natural gas imports, higher regional prices
  18 17 Two new large pipelines placed into service in October are increasing Northeast takeaway capacity
  11 10 LNG Canada becomes first major liquefaction export project in Canada to reach Final Investment Decision
  4 3 Growth in ethane production is uneven as a result of regional infrastructure and price differences
September 27 16 Renewables surpass natural gas as the primary electricity-generating source in Maine
  20 12 Hurricane Florence affects natural gas demand for electricity in the Carolinas
  13 12 EIA introduces interactive dashboard detailing natural gas storage activity
  6 5 Government of Trinidad and Tobago secures additional upstream supply for the Atlantic LNG project
August 30 29 The ethane price premium to natural gas has nearly tripled over the past three months
  23 22 New York utility gets approval for natural gas demand response pilot program
  16 15 Ongoing pipeline maintenance limits SoCalGas's ability to import natural gas into Southern California
  9 8 Haynesville natural gas production reaches five-year high
  2 1 July approaches record monthly natural gas use for power generation
July 26 25 Southern California faces record natural gas prices and voluntary curtailments amid hot weather, system constraints
  19 18 End-of-season natural gas storage inventories are forecast to be the lowest since 2008
  12 11 Two more pipelines transporting U.S. natural gas within Mexico are placed in service
June 28 27 Natural gas supply and consumption grow significantly from the first half of 2017 to the first half of 2018
  21 20 Appalachia prices increase as new takeaway capacity supports higher production
  14 13 Explosion shuts down the Leach XPress pipeline
  7 6 U.S. natural gas exports experience significant year-over-year growth
May 31 30 Bangladesh begins LNG imports, six more countries to follow
  24 23 Longer well lateral lengths and higher productivity increase Utica natural gas production even as rig count fluctuates
  17 16 Reduced natural gas infrastructure capacity may pose summer energy reliability challenges in Southern California
  10 9 Natural gas sold at negative prices on TransCanada’s Alberta System
  3 2 Global LNG trade increases by a record 10% in 2017
April 26 25 FERC authorizes Rover Pipeline, LLC to place additional facilities partially in service
  19 18 Exelon to purchase Everett LNG terminal to ensure supply to Mystic Generating Station
  12 11 Natural gas stocks end heating season at the lowest level since 2014
  5 4 Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commission publishes regional natural gas prices for the first time
March 29 28 Gross natural gas production in the Permian Basin has nearly doubled in the past four years
  22 21 California Public Utilities Commission directs SoCalGas to maximize storage injections for summer reliability
  15 14 Natural gas-fired generation gains market share in Texas
  8 7 Dominion Energy’s Cove Point LNG export facility begins commercial operations
  1 2/28 Natural gas plant liquids production reaches new annual record in 2017, with projected continued growth
February 22 21 Two liquefied natural gas storage tanks are removed from service at the Sabine Pass Liquefaction Terminal
  15 14 The Sabal Trail Pipeline continues to face court challenges related to its emissions assessments
  8 7 U.S. natural gas prices to remain low despite increasing exports, according to AEO2018
  2 1/31 Proposed natural gas plant liquids pipeline from North Dakota supports increased production of natural gas in the Bakken
January 25 24 Record Ohio gas production spurs new natural gas processing and generation facilities
  18 17 EIA estimates that December 2017 U.S. natural gas production set a new record
  11 10 Working gas stocks post all-time record weekly withdrawal
  4 3 Below normal temperatures last week increased natural gas consumption
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 21 20 Russia's Yamal LNG ships first cargo
  14 13 Southern California natural gas consumption is down, but SoCal Citygate prices are up with supply constraints
  7 6 EPIC NGL Pipeline Project is the first of several new Permian infrastructure projects to begin construction
November 30 29 North Dakota natural gas flaring increases in recent months
  16 15 Most Northeast natural gas pipeline projects coming online this winter are for delivery to the Midwest and Southeast
  9 8 Natural gas stocks end refill season just below the five-year average
  2 1 Permitting, drilling, and infrastructure activities increase as Pennsylvania’s natural gas production reaches new highs
October 26 25 Sabine Pass Train 4 reaches substantial completion
  19 18 EIA’s Winter Fuels Outlook projects higher residential natural gas consumption and prices
  12 11 Southern California natural gas pipeline outage pauses regional storage injections
  5 4 Puerto Rico’s electricity service is slow to return after Hurricane Maria, leaving LNG imports on hold
September 28 27 As nuclear power plant retirements increase, natural gas-fired generation capacity grows
  21 20 Hurricane Irma briefly disrupts Florida’s natural gas consumption for electricity generation
  14 13 Natural gas spot prices at Henry Hub decrease slightly during the days after Hurricane Harvey
  7 6 China's LNG imports set new record in 2017, further growth expected
August 31 30 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regains quorum
  24 23 U.S. ethane production and exports reach new high
  17 16 Mexico deregulates natural gas prices; works on building price reporting system and market hubs
  10 9 Exports of domestically sourced LNG from the East Coast expected in 4Q 2017
  3 2 Bangladesh secures financing for its first regasification terminal, targeting the start of LNG imports by mid-2018
July 27 26 Record July temperatures in California coincide with price rise at regional natural gas trading hubs
  20 19 Natural gas-fired electricity generation increases as temperatures heat up
  13 12 Access Northeast natural gas pipeline project withdraws from FERC pre-filing
  7 6 Qatar plans to increase liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity by 30% by 2024
June 29 28 IEnova completes construction on two pipelines bringing Permian gas into Mexico
  22 21 Sabal Trail Pipeline begins partial service to Florida
  15 14 First U.S. floating LNG export facility receives approval to export to non-FTA countries
  8 7 Mexico conducts its first natural gas pipeline capacity open season
  1 5/31 The United Kingdom's largest storage facility will be unavailable for injections until May 2018 or later
May 25 24 New liquefied natural gas bunkering facility in Jacksonville, Florida
  18 17 First floating liquefaction facility begins operations
  11 10 SoCalGas updates assessment of summer reliability
  4 3 First world-scale, greenfield nitrogenous fertilizer plant opened in over 25 years
April 27 26 Canadian drilling drops off during spring breakup
  20 19 Proposed expansion of Alliance pipeline capacity to Chicago market hub
  13 12 Natural gas stocks end heating season at the third highest level in 10 years
  6 5 Heating season spot prices in 2016–17 averaged 52% higher than in 2015–16
March 30 29 Thirteen gigawatts of natural gas-fired power generating capacity to be added in 2017
  23 22 TransCanada reduces and simplifies toll rates to remain competitive
  16 15 Natural gas spot prices rise with forecasts of colder temperatures along the eastern seaboard
  9 8 EIA reports the earliest net increase in working gas stocks on record
  2 1 U.S. liquefaction capacity continues to expand
February 23 22 Drilling Productivity Report forecasts production rise in six out of seven shale regions
  16 15 The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) enters a no-quorum period
  9 8 Rail provides outlet for growing Appalachian HGL production
  2 1 The San Elizario Border Crossing Project is authorized to commence service
January 26 25 Additions to data in the EIA Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report
  19 18 Cold winter in Asia prompts record levels of U.S. LNG exports
  12 11 REX Zone 3 capacity expansion enters full service, increasing Northeast takeaway capacity
  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 22 21 December natural gas consumption notably up over last year and five-year average
  15 14 Tennessee Gas Pipeline will abandon one of four natural gas lines, repurposing to southbound liquids transport
  8 7 LNG imports remain high at Mexico's Manzanillo terminal
  1 11/30 Unseasonably warm weather reduces U.S. heating demand
November 17 16 Woodfibre LNG becomes the first Canadian LNG project to receive Final Investment Decision
  10 9 Natural gas stocks end refill season at record high level
  3 2 2016 injection season sees record natural gas demand
October 27 26 Containerized LNG broadens reach of natural gas to off-grid customers
  20 19 United States experiences highest weekly increase in natural gas rig count in two years
  13 12 Winter Fuels Outlook projects higher domestic natural gas demand and prices
  6 5 The United Kingdom’s use of natural gas for power generation exceeds the three-year average in 2016, reversing previous decline
September 29 28 Sabine Pass liquefaction terminal begins first maintenance
  22 21 Price differences between Southern California natural gas trading hubs and the Henry Hub have been more volatile during summer 2016
  15 14 Recent mergers change the landscape of natural gas pipeline ownership
  8 7 High natural gas summer storage inventories contribute to low prices and increased power burn
  1 8/31 Hurricane activity drives declines in Gulf of Mexico natural gas production
August 25 24 Gulf Coast’s first ethane shipment soon to leave for Europe
  18 17 Asian LNG imports increase in 2016, led by India and China
  11 10 U.S. natural gas imports from Canada increase with low AECO prices
  4 3 Use of natural gas for power generation hits record highs
July 28 27 First LNG tanker through expanded Panama Canal is traveling from Sabine Pass
  21 20 With REX maintenance, Appalachian production declines this week
  14 13 Russian and Norwegian natural gas pipeline exports to Europe at high levels amid lowest prices since 2004
  7 6 Growing ethane demand means less left in natural gas pipelines
June 30 29 Gas pipeline exports to Mexico reduce U.S. net imports
  23 22 Natural gas storage injections in 2016 ahead of 2012 pace
  16 15 Global LNG imports using floating storage and regasification units increase 46% in 2015 over 2014 levels
  9 8 Near-month futures contract indicates expectations of rising prices
  2 1 Use of natural gas for power generation ticks upward
May 26 25 More U.S. vessels powered by liquefied natural gas launched
  19 18 Sabine Pass liquefaction terminal begins commercial operations
  12 11 Alberta wildfires reduce natural gas demand and prices in Canada
  5 4 Explosion on Texas Eastern Pipeline in Pennsylvania cuts flows
April 28 27 Natural gas production declines
  21 20 Algonquin expansion in New York on target for service next winter
  14 13 New gas-fired power plants are concentrated near major shale plays
  7 6 Natural gas stocks end heating season at record high level
March 31 30 Rockies Express Pipeline (REX) wins final approval for Midwest east-to-west capacity expansion
  24 23 Natural gas expected to exceed coal in power generation in 2016
  17 16 Rig count at historic low, but gas production still high
  10 9 Australia's Gorgon, one of the world's LNG megaprojects, prepares to ship first cargo
  3 2 Working storage inventories remain high
February 25 24 Cheniere’s Sabine Pass ships first LNG cargo from the U.S. Lower 48
  18 17 Asian LNG imports decline in 2015 amid reduced demand for electricity and lower prices of competing fuels
  11 10 New Northeast pipelines help boost gas production 18%
  4 3 Chinese annual LNG imports decline for first time since imports began
January 28 27 Natural gas markets weather storm
  21 20 Consumption of natural gas for power generation at record highs
  14 13 EIA forecasts that the United States will be a net exporter of natural gas in mid 2017
  7 6 Basis differential narrows in Marcellus
  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 17 16 Natural Gas Prices at 16-Year Low
  10 9 U.S. Maritime Administration approves first federal grant for LNG use in maritime applications
  3 2 Natural gas inventories post first net withdrawal of the season
November 19 18 Australian liquefaction capacity continues to expand
  12 11 Working natural gas in storage breaks record
  5 4 Winter natural gas futures prices are significantly lower than previous years
October 29 28 World's first LNG-powered container ship, the Isla Bella of the Marlin class, begins service
  22 21 Increasing U.S. natural gas pipeline exports to Mexico begin to gradually displace LNG
  15 14 National Fuel Gas adds new gas flows out of Marcellus/Utica this week
  8 7 Natural gas heating bills expected to be lower this winter
  1 9/30 U.S. Northeast natural gas exports to Canada growing
September 24 23 Russian and Norwegian natural gas pipeline exports to Europe increase over the summer amid lower prices
  17 16 Nuclear power refueling over next few months may increase power sector gas consumption
  10 9 EIA provides historical data for new storage regions
  3 2 Pipeline projects aim to increase Marcellus and Utica takeaway capacity
August 27 26 Northeast production sets record high on Monday
  20 19 Jamaica inks contract to get LNG from Florida
  13 12 Texas power burn hits record highs
  6 5 Injections of natural gas into storage since April are 20% higher than the five-year average (2010-14),
but trail last year's record-high levels
July 30 29 Asia Pacific imports of LNG down in 2015 on mild weather, lower demand for power generation
  23 22 Rockies Express Pipeline (REX) nears completion of Zone 3 east-to-west reversal
  16 15 Natural gas challenges coal as fuel for power generation
  9 8 Northeastern trading points set record low prices
  2 1 Natural gas production continues to grow year-over-year
June 25 24 U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico in June set for record high levels
  18 17 Eastern U.S. Power Burn Higher This Yeare
  11 10 Marcellus ethane moves one step closer to Europe with delivery of the
first Dragon class liquid gas carrier
  4 3 Large weekly addition pushes natural gas stocks above five-year average
May 28 27 Canada's Pacific NorthWest LNG export project moves closer to a final decision, possibly next month
  21 20 New chemical plants expected to boost industrial natural gas use by 4% in 2015
  14 13 Rig count is down, but 2015 gas production forecast to grow over 2014 levels
  7 6 Northwest Europe doubles LNG imports as key prices converge
April 30 29 April natural gas consumption for Pacific Northwest power generation is triple the year-ago level
  23 22 MATS Rule Takes Effect
  16 15 U.S. LNG export terminals on the move towards commercial operations
  9 8 Natural gas stocks enter injection season 11% below five-year average
  2 1 Pipeline infrastructure key to delivering U.S.-sourced natural gas to meet Mexico’s expanding needs
March 26 25 Cold temperatures, low prices lead to record-high winter power burn
  19 18 Appalachian Basin infrastructure growth will make Marcellus/Utica gas available to broader market
  12 11 Despite decline in rigs, natural gas production forecast to increase
  5 4 Power burn reaches record January and February levels, driven by weather and structural change
February 26 25 As record setting cold blasts the East, western temperatures warmer than normal
  19 18 Northeast gas demand hits record high on Monday
  12 11 Working gas inventory just after winter's mid-point near five-year average
  5 4 Westbound gas flows on Rockies Express make up supply interrupted by rupture
January 29 28 Led by growth in Texas, the Southeast, and Northeast, power burn is headed for a January record
  22 21 New England, New York prices less volatile this January compared with last year
  15 14 First cold snap of 2015 increases natural gas demand 23%
  8 7 Vermont Yankee nuclear plant closure could add gas demand
  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 18 17 Natural gas storage exceed year-ago levels, and production is higher
  11 10 Higher prices, Marcellus development lead to increase in proved natural gas reserves in 2013
  4 3 November cold snap led to larger- than- average withdrawals from natural gas storage
November 20 19 Mid-November cold spell boosts some natural gas prices in the Northeast
  13 12 Demand ramps up with unseasonably cold weather
  6 5 Gas production growth, moderate consumption yield strong storage injections
October 30 29 California: More gas, renewables support high demand, compensate for lost hydro
  23 22 Record production, potential for continued storage injections precedes winter season
  16 15 Japan continues to import record volumes of LNG amid delays in nuclear restarts
  9 8 Despite higher gas prices, winter heating bills expected to fall
  2 1 New chemical plants expected to boost industrial natural gas demand by 4% in 2015
September 25 24 Brazil seeks more LNG to compensate for low hydro levels
  18 17 FERC approves New England's 2014-15 winter reliability program, but challenges remain
  11 10 Marcellus and Utica fields spur Appalachian Basin pipeline development
  4 3 Growth of natural gas design storage capacity slows in 2014
August 28 27 North Dakota seeks to cut gas flaring to 10% of production by 2020
  21 20 U.S. Liquefaction Projects Advance
  14 13 Leidy Compressor Station Down For Unplanned Maintenance
  7 6 U.S. Gas Exports to Mexico Post Record High, with Further Gains Expected
July 31 30 Alaska LNG project files for export license
  24 23 Growth of Utica production per rig outpaces other shale plays
  17 16 Tight oil drilling lifts associated natural gas production
  10 9 Hurricanes pose less danger to natural gas production in recent years
  3 2 Egypt to become natural gas importer, as exports continue to fall
June 26 25 Natural gas production grows in three major tight oil production areas
  19 18 Growth in Marcellus Production Drives Changes this week in REX Pipeline Dynamics
  12 11 Record pace of natural gas storage injections since May helps offset inventory deficit
  5 4 High natural gas storage levels help keep European prices low
May 29 28 Russian natural gas pipeline exports to Western Europe grow 20%
  22 21 Industrial natural gas consumption growth continues rising
  15 14 New LNG plant in North Dakota will supply oil and gas producers
  8 7 Alaskan LNG export project resumes operations
  1 4/30 Decreasing natural gas price seasonality keeps inventories in April at 11-year low
April 24 23 Marcellus gas production backlog spurs pipes heading south as well as north
  17 16 Northeastern prices drop below national benchmark
  10 9 Colder-than-normal eastern winter leads to record natural gas storage withdrawals
  3 2 Natural gas consumption sets winter record, with residential/commercial sectors surpassing 50% share
March 27 26 Price volatility falls to prewinter levels as storage injection season nears
  20 19 In the News: Growth in central and western U.S. drives increase in winter power burn
  13 12 California Power Suppliers Ask FERC for Relief from High Natural Gas Prices
  6 5 Marcellus production strong; backlogged wells will support further growth
February 27 26 Rising prices in eastern Australia spur new investment proposals
  20 19 Marcellus natural gas takeaway pipeline projects advance
  13 12 Reduced inflows strain California natural gas markets
  6 5 Record-high withdrawals from storage lead to record-low storage levels
January 30 29 Northwest Sumas natural gas price basis reaches five-year winter high
  23 22 LNG satisfies less U.S. natural gas consumption, although helpful in New England
  16 15 Natural gas production grew modestly in 2013
  9 8 Power sector response to high natural gas prices varies by region
  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 19 18 EIA projects robust growth in natural gas production, consumption, and trade
  12 11 Local distribution companies rely on supplemental fuels, stored LNG to augment gas supplies.
  5 4 Robust natural gas supply narrows spread between futures, spot prices
November 21 20 Natural gas storage sees first net withdrawal of season
  14 13 Gas pipeline expansions reduce Marcellus backup, New York gas prices
  7 6 European natural gas storage remains low heading into winter
October 31 30 EIA projects lower natural gas use this winter
  24 23 FERC approves service on projects providing almost 1 Bcf/d of gas to New York/New Jersey consumers
  10 9 Northeast net imports from Canada plummet, driven by export growth at Niagara Falls
  3 2 New lateral increases customer access to Denver-Julesburg gas production
September 26 25 With nuclear plants down, Japan turns to more coal and less LNG
  19 18 Marcellus gas pipe capacity seen rising 0.5 Bcf/d by month’s end; additional expansions expected this winter
  12 11 REX gas deliveries to the Northeast fall as Appalachian production grows
  5 4 Low Natural Gas Prices Drive Industrial Natural Gas Consumption
August 29 28 Decreased Canadian Mainline gas flows constrain prices in western Canada, Pacific Northwest
  22 21 This week’s warmth follows month-long cool spell, reduced power burn
  15 14 Deep Panuke starts limited natural gas production
  8 7 Summer storage injections higher than last year, on par with five-year average
  1 7/31 U.S. natural gas net imports continue years-long decrease during first five month in 2013
July 25 24 Northeast Heat Last Week Bumps Up Power Burn and Gas Prices
  18 17 FERC approves service on first segment of Northeast Supply Link Expansion project
  11 10 Northeast and Southeast spur growth in Lower 48 natural gas power burn
June 27 26 In the News: Australia building 8 Bcf/d of new LNG export capacity
  20 19 FERC approves operation of new natural gas export pipeline to Mexico
  13 12 Southern California Post-SONGS Relies Even More on Natural Gas
  6 5 Fundamental natural gas market changes become apparent as winter temperatures return
to 10-year average levels
May 30 29 Island gas production returns in May, but remains below prior levels
  23 22 In the News: April-September cooling degree days up 4 percent in revised STEO forecast
  16 15 atural gas liquids price information added to the Natural Gas Weekly Upd
  9 8 LNG volumes, on average, traveled around 60 percent further in 2012 than in 1993
  2 1 In the News: U.S. pipeline gas exports to Mexico largely driven by increased flows from Texas
April 25 24 In the News: Winter 2012-13 natural gas net imports from eastern Canada half of five-year average
  18 17 Many key uncertainties in the AEO2013 projections are addressed through alternative cases
  11 10 Net storage withdrawals reach record levels during a cold March 2013
  4 3 Marketed natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico federal offshore region falls to 6% of national total in 2012
March 28 27 In the News: Planned natural gas pipeline expansions would add nearly 30 Bcf/d of new capacity through 2016
  21 20 In the News: Average price spread of natural gas delivered to the power sector over coal declined by over
three-quarters in 2012, while ratio of net natural gas power generation to coal rose by 39 percent.
  14 13 EIA projects end-of-season inventories less than 2 trillion cubic feet (Tcf).
  7 6 Japanese LNG import volumes and prices grew more than 10 percent, in 2011 and 2012.
February 28 27 Natural Gas Generation Rises 21 Percent.
  21 20 Percentage of New England natural gas consumption from Canaport and Everett LNG sendout less than half of levels last winter
  14 13 U.S. natural gas production forecast relatively flat for the next two years
  7 6 Residential and commercial consumption respond to colder temperatures.
January 31 30 Natural gas dry production at selected points in the United States Rocky Mountain region have rebounded during the
final two weeks of January, according to data from BENTEK Energy LLC (Bentek)
  24 23 Natural Gas Year-in-Review: High natural gas inventory last spring limited injections during the 2012 storage injection season
  17 16 The Year 2012 was Warmest on Record.
  10 9 EIA forecasts continued growth in Lower 48 onshore natural gas production through 2014.
  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 20 19 AGT pipeline receipts from Millennium Pipeline and Tennessee Gas Pipeline increased
56 percent in December 2012 compared to December 2011, while total receipts remained
unchanged over the same period.
  13 12 September Natural Gas Production at Levels Not Seen Since 1973
  6 5 EIA Projects Natural Gas Production Will Exceed Consumption by 2020
November 29 28 Annual U.S. natural gas replacement volumes rise as nuclear outage levels increase
  15 14 New pipeline expansions come online in the Northeast
  8 7 Natural Gas Inventories Finish 2012 Storage Injection Season at Record Levels
  1 10/31 Power Generation Falls During Storm, Nuclear Facilities Affected.
October 25 24 EIA Launches New Energy Portal for State-Level Energy Data
  18 17 First taste of cooler weather evidenced by uptick in residential/commercial natural gas
consumption over last two reporting weeks.
  11 10 EIA's Winter Fuels Outlook Projects Higher Heating Expenditures.
  4 3 Natural gas drilling activity in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GOM) generally increased over the
past year, despite a drop in natural gas prices over much of the same period.
September 27 26 Although Storage Injections Are Below Historical Levels, Inventories Remain High
  20 19 Underground working natural gas storage capacity increased from April 2011 to April 2012,
according to a recent report released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
  13 12 Pennsylvania’s natural gas production has risen steadily in 2012 despite a significant
reduction in the number of new natural gas wells being drilled by operators.
  6 5 Shut-In Natural Gas Production from Isaac Represents Decreasing Share of Historical U.S. Production
August 30 29 Hurricane Isaac Shuts-In Significant Gulf of Mexico Natural Gas Production
  23 22 The pace of natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania is slowing, according to data from the
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
  16 15 July 2012 was hottest on record
  9 8 Infrastructure constraints in the Northeast, particularly in Northern Pennsylvania, have led Marcellus
prices to diverge from the Henry Hub since May 2012.
  2 1 Natural gas consumed for power generation (power burn) declined slightly for the report week,
while remaining high for recent years.
July 26 25 U.S. Net Natural Gas Imports Through First Third of 2012 Lowest Since 1990
  19 18 Marketed Production and Electric Power Generation Show Strong Growth in 2011.
  12 11 Prices Increase in Northeast due to Heat, Imports and LNG Help Meet Demand.
June 28 27 Tropical Storm Debby Shuts In Gulf of Mexico Production
  21 20 Imports from Canada to the Northeast United States Rise this Week to Meet Demand
  14 13 Current Storage Injection Rate Is Lower than Last Year and the Five-Year Average.
  7 6 Pipeline Exports to Mexico Hit 7-Year High.
May 31 30 Natural Gas Rigs Decline in Key Areas
  24 23 Natural Gas Rig Count Briefly Drops Below 600.
  17 16 Recent Warm Temperatures in the Pacific Northwest Might Affect Hydro Supply in the Summer.
  10 9 In the News: Canaport LNG Undergoing Maintenance.
  3 2 Reported natural gas gross withdrawals for February decline.
April 26 25 Gulf Coast crude oil inventories: what's up?
  19 18 The shifting of global supply disruptions
  12 11 2012 summer gasoline: the four-dollar question
  5 4 Adding barges to EIA study still leaves concerns
March 29 28 Japan Power Generation Mix and Global LNG Flows.
  22 21 FERC Staff Issues Environmental Impact Statement for Pipeline into New York City.
  15 14 Alternative Transportation Fuels Infrastructure Increases from Mid-2000s Levels.
  8 7 Crude oil-to-natural gas price ratio passes 50
  1 2/29 Natural Gas Power Burn Up, Even in a Warmer Winter
February 23 22 Re-Exports of LNG Grew in 2011
  16 15 Winter Weather Leads to Spike in Natural Gas Consumption
  9 8 Cold and Dry Winter Drives Up Natural Gas Burn in the Pacific Northwest
  2 1 Storage Inventories at Record Highs
January 26 25 In The News: Liquids Driving Exploration and Production Decisions
  19 18 Natural Gas Futures Price Nears 10-Year Low
  12 11 EIA releases the Short-Term Energy Outlook
  5 4 Shale Prospects Attract Foreign Companies
  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 22 21 Cold Weather Exacerbates Northeast Price Spreads
  15 14 Among the major outages
  8 7 Frigid Weather in the West Leads to Early Winter Production Freeze-Offs
  1 11/30 The Return of Libya
November 10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
October 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
September 22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 8/31 Overview
August 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
July 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
June 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
May 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
April 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
March 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
February 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
January 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview


  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
November 18 17 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  4 3 Overview
October 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
September 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
August 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
July 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 6/30 Overview
June 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
May 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
April 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 3/31 Overview
March 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
February 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  4 3 Overview
January 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview


  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
November 19 18 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  5 4 Overview
October 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 9/30 Overview
September 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
August 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
July 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
June 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
May 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
April 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
March 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
February 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
January 29 28 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview


  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
November 20 19 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  6 5 Overview
October 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
September 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
August 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
July 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
June 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
May 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 4/30 Overview
April 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
March 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
February 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
January 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  4 3 Overview


  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
November 29 28 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 10/31 Overview
October 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
September 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
August 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
July 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  6 5 Overview
June 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
May 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
April 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
March 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 2/28 Overview
February 22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 1/31 Overview
January 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  5 4 Overview


  Release date Week ending Natural Gas Weekly Update analysis
December 21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
November 30 29 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
October 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
September 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
August 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
July 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  7 6 Overview
June 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 5/31 Overview
May 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
April 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
March 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
February 23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
January 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview


  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 11/30 Overview
November 17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
October 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
September 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 8/31 Overview
August 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
July 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 1 Overview
June 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
May 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
April 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
March 31 29 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
February 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
January 27 26 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview


  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 30 29 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
November 18 17 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  4 3 Overview
October 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
September 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
August 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
July 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
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  8 7 Overview
  1 6/30 Overview
June 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
May 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
April 22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 3/31 Overview
March 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
February 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
January 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview


  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 29 28 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
November 13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
October 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
September 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  4 3 Overview
August 28 27 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
July 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
June 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
May 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 4/30 Overview
April 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
March 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
February 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
January 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  3 2 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 19 18 Overview
  12 11 Overview
  5 4 Overview
November 21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
October 31 30 Overview
  24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
September 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  12 9 Overview
  5 4 Overview
August 29 28 Overview
  22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  8 7 Overview
  1 7/31 Overview
July 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  5 3 Overview
June 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
May 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
  16 15 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  2 1 Overview
April 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
  11 10 Overview
  1 3/29 Overview
March 25 22 Overview
  18 15 Overview
  11 8 Overview
  4 1 Overview
February 25 22 Overview
  19 15 Overview
  11 8 Overview
  4 1 Overview
January 28 25 Overview
  22 18 Overview
  14 11 Overview
  7 4 Overview
  2 12/28 Overview


  Release date Week ending NGWU weekly analysis
December 17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  3 2 Overview
November 26 25 Overview
  19 18 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  5 4 Overview
October 22 21 Overview
  15 14 Overview
  9 8 Overview
  1 9/30 Overview
September 24 23 Overview
  17 16 Overview
  10 9 Overview
  4 3 Overview
August 27 26 Overview
  20 19 Overview
  13 12 Overview
  6 5 Overview
July 30 29 Overview
  23 22 Overview
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  2 1 Overview
June 25 24 Overview
  18 17 Overview
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  4 3 Overview
May 29 28 Overview
  21 20 Overview
  14 13 Overview
  7 6 Overview
April 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 06 Overview
  9 7 Overview
  2 3/23 Overview
March 26 16 Overview
  19 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview
  5 2/23 Overview
February 26 16 Overview
  20 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview
  5 1/26 Overview
January 29 19 Overview
  22 12 Overview
  16 5 Overview
  8 12/29 Overview
  2 12/22 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 26 15 Overview
  18 8 Overview
  11 1 Overview
  4 11/24 Overview
November 27 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview
  6 10/27 Overview
October 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  10 9/29 Overview
  2 9/22 Overview
September 25 15 Overview
  18 8 Overview
  11 1 Overview
  5 8/25 Overview
August 28 18 Overview
  21 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
  7 7/28 Overview
July 31 21 Overview
  24 14 Overview
  17 7 Overview
  10 6/30 Overview
  3 6/23 Overview
June 26 16 Overview
  19 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview
  5 5/26 Overview
May 30 19 Overview
  22 12 Overview
  15 5 Overview
  8 4/28 Overview
  1 4/21 Overview
April 24 14 Overview
  17 7 Overview
  10 3/31 Overview
  3 3/24 Overview
March 27 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview
  6 2/25 Overview
February 28 18 Overview
  22 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
  7 1/28 Overview
January 31 21 Overview
  24 14 Overview
  18 7 Overview
  3 12/24 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 27 24 Overview
  20 17 Overview
  13 10 Overview
  6 3 Overview
November 29 26 Overview
  22 19 Overview
  15 12 Overview
  8 5 Overview
  1 11/28 Overview
October 25 22 Overview
  18 15 Overview
  12 8 Overview
  4 1 Overview
September 27 24 Overview
  20 17 Overview
  13 10 Overview
  7 3 Overview
August 30 27 Overview
  23 20 Overview
  16 13 Overview
  9 6 Overview
  2 7/30 Overview
July 26 23 Overview
  19 16 Overview
  12 9 Overview
  6 2 Overview
June 28 25 Overview
  21 18 Overview
  14 11 Overview
  7 4 Overview
  1 5/28 Overview
May 24 21 Overview
  17 14 Overview
  10 7 Overview
  3 4/30 Overview
April 26 23 Overview
  19 16 Overview
  12 9 Overview
  5 2 Overview
March 29 26 Overview
  22 19 Overview
  15 12 Overview
  8 5 Overview
  1 2/26 Overview
February 22 19 Overview
  16 12 Overview
  8 5 Overview
  1 2/29 Overview
January 25 22 Overview
  19 15 Overview
  11 8 Overview
  4 12/31 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 21 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
  7 11/27 Overview
November 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  9 10/30 Overview
  2 10/23 Overview
October 26 16 Overview
  19 9 Overview
  13 2 Overview
  5 9/25 Overview
September 28 18 Overview
  21 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
  8 8/28 Overview
August 31 21 Overview
  24 14 Overview
  17 7/31 Overview
  10 7 Overview
  3 7/24 Overview
July 27 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview
  6 6/26 Overview
June 29 19 Overview
  22 12 Overview
  15 5 Overview
  8 5/29 Overview
  1 5/22 Overview
May 26 15 Overview
  18 8 Overview
  11 1 Overview
  4 4/24 Overview
April 27 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview
  6 3/27 Overview
March 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  9 2/27 Overview
  2 2/20 Overview
February 23 13 Overview
  17 6 Overview
  9 1/30 Overview
  2 1/23 Overview
January 26 9 Overview
  20 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 22 12 Overview
  15 5 Overview
  8 11/28 Overview
  1 11/21 Overview
November 24 14 Overview
  17 7 Overview
  10 11/01 Overview
  3 10/24 Overview
October 27 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  14 3 Overview
  6 9/26 Overview
September 29 19 Overview
  22 12 Overview
  15 5 Overview
  8 8/29 Overview
  2 8/22 Overview
August 25 15 Overview
  18 8 Overview
  11 1 Overview
  4 7/25 Overview
July 28 18 Overview
  21 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
  7 6/27 Overview
June 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  9 5/30 Overview
  2 5/23 Overview
May 27 16 Overview
  19 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview
  5 4/25 Overview
April 28 18 Overview
  21 11 Overview
  14 4 Overview
March 31 21 Overview
  24 14 Overview
  17 7 Overview
  10 2/28 Overview
  3 2/21 Overview
February 24 14 Overview
  18 7 Overview
  10 1/31 Overview
  3 1/24 Overview
January 27 14 Overview
  21 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview
  6 12/27 Overview


  Release date Week ending TWIP weekly analysis
December 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  9 11/29 Overview
  2 11/22 Overview
November 25 15 Overview
  18 8 Overview
  12 1 Overview
  4 10/25 Overview
October 28 18 Overview
  21 11 Overview
  15 4 Overview
  7 9/27 Overview
September 30 20 Overview
  23 13 Overview
  16 6 Overview
  9 8/30 Overview
  3 8/23 Overview
August 26 16 Overview
  19 9 Overview
  12 2 Overview
  5 7/26 Overview
July 29 19 Overview
  22 12 Overview
  15 5 Overview
  8 6/28 Overview
  1 6/24 Overview
June 24 14 Overview
  17 7 Overview
  10 5/31 Overview
  3 5/24 Overview
May 28 17 Overview
  20 10 Overview
  13 3 Overview