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The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview
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Preface and Contacts

Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module

The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009 provides a summary description of the National Energy Modeling System, which was used to generate the projections of energy production, demand, imports, and prices through the year 2030 for the Annual Energy Outlook 2009, (DOE/EIA-0383(2009)), released in March 2009. AEO2009 presents national projections of energy markets for five primary cases—a reference case and four additional cases that assume higher and lower economic growth and higher and lower world oil prices than in the reference case. The Overview presents a brief description of the methodology and scope of each of the component modules of NEMS. The model documentation reports listed in the appendix of this document provide further details.  

The Overview was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting under the direction of John J. Conti (john.conti@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2222), Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting; Paul D. Holtberg (paul.holtberg@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1284), Director of the Demand and Integration Division; Joseph A. Beamon (jbeamon@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2025), Director of the Coal and Electric Power Division; A. Michael Schaal (michael,schaal@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-5590), Director of the Oil and Gas Division; Glen E. Sweetnam (glen.sweetnam@eia.doe.gov, 202-586-2188), Director, International, Economic, and Greenhouse Gases Division; and Andy S. Kydes (akydes@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2222), Senior Technical Advisor.  


Contacts   back to top

Detailed questions concerning the National Energy Modeling System and the Annual Energy Outlook 2009 may be addressed to the following analysts:

AEO2009  Paul D. Holtberg (paul.holtberg@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1284)
Integrating Module/Carbon Emissions Daniel H. Skelly (daniel.skelly@eia.doe.gov, 202-586-1722)
Macroeconomic Activity Module Kay A. Smith (kay.smith@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1132) 
International Energy Module Adrian Geagla (adrian.geagla@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2873)
Residential Demand John H. Cymbalsky (john.cymbalsky@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-4815)
Commercial Demand Erin E. Boedecker (erin.boedecker@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-4791)
Industrial Demand Amelia L. Elson (amelia.elson@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1420)
Transportation Demand John D. Maples (john.maples@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-1757) 
Electricity Market Module Jeffrey S. Jones (jeffrey.jones@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2038)
Renewable Fuels Module Chris R. Namovicz (chris.namovicz@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-7120)
Oil and Gas Supply Markets Eddie L. Thomas, Jr. (eddie.thomas@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-5877)
Natural Gas Transmission & Distrition Module Joseph G. Benneche (joseph.benneche@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-6132) 
Petroleum Market Module William S. Brown (william.brown@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-8181)
Coal Market Module Diane R. Kearney (diane.kearney@eia.doe.gov, 202/586-2415)
    back to top

AEO2009 is available on the EIA Home Page on the Internet (http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/index.html). Assumptions underlying the projections are available in Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2009 at http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/assumption/index.html. Tables of regional projections and other underlying details of the reference case are available at http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/supplement/index.html. Model documentation reports and The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009 are also available on the Home Page at http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/reports/reports_kindD.asp?type=model documentation. 

For ordering information and for questions on energy statistics, please contact EIA’s National Energy Information Center:

National Energy Information Center, EI-30
Energy Information Administration, Forrestal Building
Washington, DC 20585, Telephone: 202/586-8800
FAX: 202/586-0727, TTY: 202/586-1181
9 a.m. to 5 p.m., eastern time, M-F
E-mail: infoctr@eia.doe.gov
World Wide Web Site: http://www.eia.doe.gov, FTP Site: ftp://ftp.eia.doe.gov










Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module