File layout for File Section E-G (Records are comma-delimited. First line contains a list of variables on the file. The remaining lines contain the values of the variables with fixed column positions.) Variables on all files DOEID '4-digit identification number' Columns 1-4 NWEIGHT 'The Final Weight' Columns 6-11 MQRESULT 'Mail Questionnaire Codes' Columns 13 REGIONC 'Census Region' Columns 15 DIVISION 'Census Division' Columns 17 LRGSTATE 'Four Largest States' Columns 19 CDD65 'Cooling Degree-Days to base 65, 1-04 TO 12-04' Columns 21-24 HDD65 'Heating Degree-Days to base 65, 1-04 TO 12-04' Columns 26-30 TYPEHUQ 'Type of Home: as report by Respondent' Columns 32 Variables in File Section 5 only. FUELH2O 'Fuel used for heating water, washing or bathing' Columns 34-35 ZFUELH2O 'Imputation Flag for FUELH2O' Columns 37 WHEATOTH 'Main equipment also heat water for apartments' Columns 39 ZWHEATOT 'Imputation Flag for WHEATOTH' Columns 41 WHEATSIZ 'Size of household's main water heater tank' Columns 43 ZWHEATSI 'Imputation Flag for WHEATSIZ' Columns 45 WHEATAGE 'How old is your household's main water heater' Columns 47-48 ZWHEATAG 'Imputation Flag for WHEATAGE' Columns 50 UAUXH2OF 'Household use any other fuel for heating water' Columns 52 ZUAUXH2O 'Imputation Flag for UAUXH2OF' Columns 54 FAUXH2O 'What is this additional water heating fuel' Columns 56-57 AIRCOND 'Do you have air conditioning equipment at home' Columns 59 COOLTYPE 'What kind of air-conditioning equipment you have' Columns 61 ZCOOLTYP 'Imputation Flag for COOLTYPE' Columns 63 DUCTS 'Have ducts to carry warm air for space heating' Columns 65 ACHOUSE 'Air-conditioning equipment cool, all the rooms' Columns 67 ZACHOUSE 'Imputation Flag for ACHOUSE' Columns 69 ACROOMS 'rooms cooled by air-conditioning during summer' Columns 71-72 ZACROOMS 'Imputation Flag for ACROOMS' Columns 74 CENACHP 'Is your central AC system a heat pump' Columns 76 ZCENACHP 'Imputation Flag for CENACHP' Columns 78 AGECENAC 'How old is your household's central AC equipment' Columns 80-81 ZAGECENA 'Imputation Flag for AGECENAC' Columns 83 USECENAC 'How household uses central AC during the summer' Columns 85 ZUSECENA 'Imputation Flag for USECENAC' Columns 87 ACOTHERS 'The central AC also cool apartments, condos..' Columns 89 ZACOTHER 'Imputation Flag for ACOTHERS' Columns 91 NUMBERAC 'Number of window or wall AC units in your home' Columns 93 ZNUMBERA 'Imputation Flag for NUMBERAC' Columns 95 WWACAGE 'How old is household's most-used window/wall unit' Columns 97-98 ZWWACAGE 'Imputation Flag for WWACAGE' Columns 100 USEWWAC 'How household uses window AC during the summer' Columns 102 ZUSEWWAC 'Imputation Flag for USEWWAC' Columns 104 TREESHAD 'Any large trees shade home from afternoon sun' Columns 106 ZTREESHA 'Imputation Flag for TREESHAD' Columns 108 LGT12 'Lights are turned on more than 12 hours per day' Columns 110-111 ZLGT12 'Imputation Flag for LGT12' Columns 113 LGT4 'Lights on between 4 hours and 12 hours per day' Columns 115-116 ZLGT4 'Imputation Flag for LGT4' Columns 118 LGT1 'Lights on between 1 hours and 4 hours per day' Columns 120-121 ZLGT1 'Imputation Flag for LGT1' Columns 123 OUTLGTNT 'Are any outdoor lights left on all night' Columns 125 ZOUTLGTN 'Imputation Flag for OUTLGTNT' Columns 127 GASLIGHT 'Any of these lights use natural gas' Columns 129 ZGASLIGH 'Imputation Flag for GASLIGHT' Columns 131 SLDDRS 'Sliding glass door go from heated area to outside' Columns 133 DOOR1SUM 'Number of sliding glass doors' Columns 135 WINDOWS 'Number of windows' Columns 137 ADQINSUL 'Respondent perception of home insulation' Columns 139 ZADQINSU 'Imputation Flag for ADQINSUL' Columns 141 DRAFTY 'How often find your home too drafty during winter' Columns 143 Codebook for File section 5 Variables DOEID, NWEIGHT, MQRESULT, REGIONC, DIVISION, LRGSTATE CDD65, HDD65, and TYPEHUQ are on all files. DOEID '4-digit identification number' Columns 1-4 Included in all files Numerical Variable Variable length: 4 The variable DOEID will be on all files. Each respondent is assigned an unique value of DOEID. It can be used to merge data from one file with data from another file. Minimum Value: 1,001 Maximum Value: 5,852 NWEIGHT 'The Final Weight' Columns 6-11 Included in all files Numerical Variable Variable length: 6 Minimum Value: 5,594 Maximum Value: 105,485 The sample design for RECS is not a simple random sample. Consequently, to estimate the number or percent of households/housing units with a certain characteristic, the sampling weight should be used. The variable NWEIGHT is the sampling weight for the observation. It is approximately the inverse of the probability of selection. It gives the number of households that the response represents in the sample. For most categorical variables, the codebooks contain both the unweighted frequency and the weighted frequency. The unweighted frequency gives the number of observations, the weighted frequency gives survey estimate of the number of households/housing units for each possible value of the variable. The weighted frequencies are rounded to the nearest 100,000 households. This is the limit of the accuracy for RECS. When the unweighted frequency is less than 10 or the weighted frequency is less than 150,000; then weighted frequency is suppressed. A 'Q' is placed in the frequency to denote that the number is suppressed. This indicates that there are too few observation upon which to determine an accurate estimate. MQRESULT 'Mail Questionnaire Codes' Columns 13 Included in all files Categorical Variable Variable length 1 Mail Questionnaire (MQ) Authorization Form (AF) Personal Interview (PI) 1 = MQ Completed, AF Signed 2 = MQ Completed, AF not required 3 = MQ Completed, AF Not Signed 7 = MQ returned after a PI was completed 8 = PI was completed after MQ was returned 9 = Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 166 3,900,000 2 1 Q 3 76 1,700,000 7 42 1,000,000 8 24 600,000 9 4,513 99,800,000 Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. When MQRESULT equals 1 2, or 3, the household and housing unit data was not obtained via a personal interview. The data were obtained using a shortened mail questionnaire. A hot-deck imputation procedure was used to match each mail respondent to a personal interview respondent. The critical matching variables were FUELHEAT, FUELH2O, TYPECOOL, TYPEHUQ, and REGIONC. Additional variables used in a scoring function to determine the best match were MONEYPY, NHSLDMEM, VEHICLES, HHAGE, and TOTROOMS. The remaining household/housing unit characteristics for the mail respondents were determined by the values of the matched personal interview respondent. The energy consumption and expenditures data for the mail respondents was based upon data obtained from their energy suppliers. It was not imputed using a hot deck procedure. Questionnaire data from personal interview respondents sometime is missing and needs to be imputed. 'Z' variables are used to indicate the presence of imputed data. For example, if ZURBRUR = 0 then URBRUR was not imputed. If ZURBRUR = 1 then URBRUR was imputed. Census Division/Region: A geographic area consisting of several States defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. The States are grouped into nine divisions and four regions. Region Division States Northeast New England Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island Middle Atlantic New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania Midwest East North Central Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin West North Central Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota South South Atlantic Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia East South Central Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee West South Central Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas West Mountain Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming Pacific Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington REGIONC 'Census Region' Columns 15 Included in all files Categorical Variable Variable length 1 1 = Northeast Census Region 2 = Midwest Census Region 3 = South Census Region 4 = West Census Region Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 1,087 20,300,000 2 1,047 24,500,000 3 1,489 38,900,000 4 1,199 23,300,000 DIVISION 'Census Division' Columns 17 Included in all files Categorical Variable Variable length 1 1 = New England Census Division 2 = Middle Atlantic Census Division 3 = East North Central Census Division 4 = West North Central Census Division 5 = South Atlantic Census Division 6 = East South Central Census Division 7 = West South Central Census Division 8 = Mountain Census Division 9 = Pacific Census Division Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 396 5,400,000 2 691 14,800,000 3 681 17,100,000 4 366 7,400,000 5 626 20,300,000 6 409 6,800,000 7 454 11,800,000 8 407 6,700,000 9 792 16,600,000 LRGSTATE 'Four Largest States' Columns 19 Included in all files Categorical Variable Variable length 1 0 = Other 1 = New York State 2 = California 3 = Texas 4 = Florida Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,484 73,600,000 1 328 7,100,000 2 541 12,300,000 3 289 7,700,000 4 180 6,300,000 CDD65 and HDD65 are weather data. The values of CDD65 and HDD65 were based upon data obtained from the NOAA. A random error was added to both HDD65 and CDD65 to mask the location of the weather station from which the data was obtained. CDD65 'Cooling Degree-Days to base 65, 1-04 TO 12-04' Columns 21-24 Included in all files Numerical Variable Variable length 4 Minimum Value: 0 Maximum Value: 5,161 HDD65 'Heating Degree-Days to base 65, 1-04 TO 12-04' Columns 26-30 Included in all files Numerical Variable Variable length 5 Minimum Value: 0 Maximum Value: 10,045 Cooling degree days are the number of degrees the average daily temperature (ADT) is above the base temperature. Heating degree days are the number of degrees the ADT is below the base temperature. To calculate daily degree days (base 65 degrees): ADT = (daily high + daily low)/2 CDD(daily) = 0 if ADT <= 65 = ADT - 65 if ADT > 65 HDD(daily) = 0 if ADT >= 65 = 65 - ADT if ADT < 65. Annual degrees days are calculated by summing the daily degree days. The .5 is carried over in the summation. The total is rounded up after the summation. TYPEHUQ 'Type of Home: as report by Respondent' Columns 32 Included in all files Categorical Variable Variable length: 1 Question (A-1) different than RECS97 Variable was constructed form responses to questions A-1, A-3, A-3a, and A-3a1 There is a fine line between the definitions of various types of housing units. The distinction between a single-family attached unit and a unit in an apartment building is particularly complex. The 1997 RECS relied more heavily of the respondent's perception of the housing type. The 2001 RECS placed more emphasis on the interviewer's perception. 1 = Mobile Home 2 = Single-Family detached 3 = Single-Family Attached 4 = Apartment in Building containing 2-4 units 5 = Apartment in Building Containing 5 or more units Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 325 6,800,000 2 2,935 63,100,000 3 426 10,600,000 4 444 9,500,000 5 692 17,000,000 The remaining variables are on File Section 4 only. FUELH2O 'Fuel used for heating water, washing or bathing' Columns 34-35 Question E-1 1 = Natural gas from underground pipes 2 = Bottled gas (LPG or propane) 3 = Fuel oil 4 = Kerosene 5 = Electricity 7 = Wood 8 = Solar 9 = District steam 10 = Coal 99 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 2,543 58,000,000 2 160 2,900,000 3 276 4,600,000 4 5 Q 5 1,811 40,800,000 7 4 Q 8 14 300,000 9 4 Q 10 1 Q 95 4 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZFUELH2O 'Imputation Flag for FUELH2O' Columns 37 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,734 104,900,000 1 88 2,100,000 WHEATOTH 'Main equipment also heat water for apartments' Columns 39 Question E-2 1 = Yes 0 = No 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,295 95,000,000 1 523 11,900,000 9 4 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZWHEATOT 'Imputation Flag for WHEATOTH' Columns 41 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,793 106,300,000 2 29 700,000 WHEATSIZ 'Size of household's main water heater tank' Columns 43 Question E-3 1 = Small (30 gallons or less) 2 = Medium (31 to 49 gallons) 3 = Large (50 gallons or more) 5 = Two separate water heaters 0 = Don't have a separate water heater 6 = Don't know 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 390 8,000,000 1 556 12,500,000 2 2,231 49,900,000 3 1,233 27,200,000 5 86 2,000,000 6 322 7,400,000 9 4 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZWHEATSI 'Imputation Flag for WHEATSIZ' Columns 45 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,816 106,800,000 2 6 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. WHEATAGE 'How old is your household's main water heater' Columns 47-48 Question E-4 1 = Less than 2 years old 2 = 2 to 4 years old 3 = 5 to 9 years old 4 = 10 to 19 years old 5 = 20 years or older 0 = Don't have a separate water heater 96 = Don't know 99 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 390 8,000,000 1 533 11,800,000 2 786 17,800,000 3 1,139 25,900,000 4 989 22,100,000 5 398 8,200,000 96 583 13,200,000 99 4 Q ZWHEATAG 'Imputation Flag for WHEATAGE' Columns 50 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,810 106,700,000 1 7 Q 2 5 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. UAUXH2OF 'Household use any other fuel for heating water' Columns 52 Question E-5 1 = Yes 0 = No 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,750 105,500,000 1 68 1,400,000 9 4 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZUAUXH2O 'Imputation Flag for UAUXH2OF' Columns 54 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,785 106,200,000 2 37 800,000 FAUXH2O 'What is this additional water heating fuel' Columns 56-57 Question E-5a 1 = Natural gas from underground pipes 2 = Bottled gas (LPG or propane) 3 = Fuel oil 5 = Electricity 7 = Wood 8 = Solar 99 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 7 Q 2 1 Q 3 6 Q 5 39 800,000 7 6 Q 8 9 Q 99 4,754 105,500,000 Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. AIRCOND 'Do you have air conditioning equipment at home' Columns 59 Question F-1 1 = Yes 0 = No Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 1,271 24,100,000 1 3,551 82,900,000 COOLTYPE 'What kind of air-conditioning equipment you have' Columns 61 Question F-2 1 = A central system 2 = Individual units in the window or walls 3 = Both central and individual units 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 2,339 57,800,000 2 1,173 24,200,000 3 39 800,000 9 1,271 24,100,000 ZCOOLTYP 'Imputation Flag for COOLTYPE' Columns 63 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,820 107,000,000 1 2 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. DUCTS 'Have ducts to carry warm air for space heating' Columns 65 Question F-2a 1 = Yes 0 = No 6 = Don't know 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 25 500,000 1 103 2,200,000 6 28 600,000 9 4,666 103,800,000 ACHOUSE 'Air-conditioning equipment cool, all the rooms' Columns 67 Question F-3 0 = None of the rooms cooled 1 = All the rooms 2 = Only some of the rooms 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 87 2,100,000 1 2,429 58,800,000 2 1,035 22,000,000 9 1,271 24,100,000 ZACHOUSE 'Imputation Flag for ACHOUSE' Columns 69 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,767 105,700,000 1 8 Q 2 47 1,100,000 Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ACROOMS 'rooms cooled by air-conditioning during summer' Columns 71-72 Question F-3a 0-95 = Number of rooms cooled by AC Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 1,358 26,200,000 1 281 5,700,000 2 306 6,600,000 3 402 9,200,000 4 509 12,000,000 5 615 15,200,000 6 573 13,300,000 7 346 8,100,000 8 268 6,600,000 9 100 2,500,000 10 35 800,000 11 21 600,000 12 3 Q 13 2 Q 14 3 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZACROOMS 'Imputation Flag for ACROOMS' Columns 74 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,771 105,800,000 1 4 Q 2 47 1,100,000 Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. CENACHP 'Is your central AC system a heat pump' Columns 76 Question F-4 1 = Yes 0 = No 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 1,926 47,100,000 1 452 11,600,000 9 2,444 48,400,000 ZCENACHP 'Imputation Flag for CENACHP' Columns 78 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,784 105,900,000 2 38 1,100,000 AGECENAC 'How old is your household's central AC equipment' Columns 80-81 Question F-5 1 = Less than 2 years old 2 = 2 to 4 years old 3 = 5 to 9 years old 4 = 10 to 19 years old 5 = 20 years or older 96 = Don't know 99 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 258 6,200,000 2 417 10,300,000 3 616 15,700,000 4 638 15,500,000 5 258 6,200,000 96 191 4,700,000 99 2,444 48,400,000 ZAGECENA 'Imputation Flag for AGECENAC' Columns 83 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,816 106,900,000 1 6 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. USECENAC 'How household uses central AC during the summer' Columns 85 Question F-6 0 = Not use at all 1 = Turned on only a few days or nights 2 = Turned on quite a bit 3 = Turned on just about all summer 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 54 1,400,000 1 707 16,800,000 2 486 12,100,000 3 1,131 28,400,000 9 2,444 48,400,000 ZUSECENA 'Imputation Flag for USECENAC' Columns 87 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,811 106,700,000 2 11 300,000 ACOTHERS 'The central AC also cool apartments, condos..' Columns 89 Question F-7 1 = Yes 0 = No 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 2,319 57,200,000 1 59 1,400,000 9 2,444 48,400,000 ZACOTHER 'Imputation Flag for ACOTHERS' Columns 91 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,811 106,700,000 2 11 300,000 NUMBERAC 'Number of window or wall AC units in your home' Columns 93 Question F-8 o-15 = Number of window or wall AC units Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,610 81,900,000 1 683 14,100,000 2 377 7,900,000 3 111 2,300,000 4 28 600,000 5 8 Q 6 1 Q 7 2 Q 8 2 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZNUMBERA 'Imputation Flag for NUMBERAC' Columns 95 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,821 107,000,000 1 1 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. WWACAGE 'How old is household's most-used window/wall unit' Columns 97-98 Question F-9 1 = Less than 2 years old 2 = 2 to 4 years old 3 = 5 to 9 years old 4 = 10 to 19 years old 5 = 20 years or older 96 = Don't know 99 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 155 3,200,000 2 267 5,600,000 3 334 6,800,000 4 233 4,600,000 5 106 2,400,000 96 117 2,500,000 99 3,610 81,900,000 ZWWACAGE 'Imputation Flag for WWACAGE' Columns 100 0 = Not Imputed 1 = Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,821 107,000,000 1 1 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. USEWWAC 'How household uses window AC during the summer' Columns 102 Question F-10 0 = Not used at all 1 = Turned on only a few days or nights 2 = Turned on quite a bit 3 = Turned on just about all summer 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 41 900,000 1 691 14,100,000 2 254 5,200,000 3 226 4,900,000 9 3,610 81,900,000 ZUSEWWAC 'Imputation Flag for USEWWAC' Columns 104 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,808 106,600,000 2 14 400,000 TREESHAD 'Any large trees shade home from afternoon sun' Columns 106 Question F-11 1 = Yes 0 = No Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 2,342 53,000,000 1 2,480 54,000,000 ZTREESHA 'Imputation Flag for TREESHAD' Columns 108 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,820 106,900,000 2 2 Q LGT12 'Lights are turned on more than 12 hours per day' Columns 110-111 Question G-1a 0-40 = Indoor light on more than 12 hours Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,694 81,100,000 1 641 14,400,000 2 289 6,800,000 3 103 2,400,000 4 51 1,300,000 5 17 400,000 6 9 Q 7 3 Q 8 7 Q 9 2 Q 10 1 Q 11 1 Q 12 4 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZLGT12 'Imputation Flag for LGT12' Columns 113 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,811 106,800,000 2 11 200,000 LGT4 'Lights on between 4 hours and 12 hours per day' Columns 115-116 Question G-1b 0-40 = Indoor light on 4 to 12 hours Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 1,432 30,200,000 1 1,107 25,200,000 2 1,124 25,500,000 3 573 12,700,000 4 315 7,200,000 5 104 2,400,000 6 83 1,800,000 7 14 300,000 8 26 600,000 9 8 Q 10 15 500,000 11 4 Q 12 10 200,000 14 1 Q 15 5 Q 20 1 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZLGT4 'Imputation Flag for LGT4' Columns 118 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,811 106,800,000 2 11 200,000 LGT1 'Lights on between 1 hours and 4 hours per day' Columns 120-121 Question G-1c 0-40 = Indoor light on 1 to 4 hours Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 470 10,200,000 1 1,346 30,100,000 2 1,391 30,700,000 3 751 16,600,000 4 464 10,500,000 5 161 3,600,000 6 114 2,500,000 7 32 700,000 8 35 900,000 9 6 Q 10 29 600,000 11 2 Q 12 10 200,000 14 2 Q 15 7 Q 27 1 Q 40 1 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ZLGT1 'Imputation Flag for LGT1' Columns 123 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,804 106,600,000 2 18 400,000 OUTLGTNT 'Are any outdoor lights left on all night' Columns 125 Question G-2 0 = No 1 = Yes Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,723 82,500,000 1 1,099 24,500,000 ZOUTLGTN 'Imputation Flag for OUTLGTNT' Columns 127 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,817 106,900,000 2 5 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. GASLIGHT 'Any of these lights use natural gas' Columns 129 Question G-2a 1 = Yes 0 = No 9 = No Answer/Not Applicable Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 1,078 24,000,000 1 21 500,000 9 3,723 82,500,000 ZGASLIGH 'Imputation Flag for GASLIGHT' Columns 131 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,817 106,900,000 2 5 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. SLDDRS 'Sliding glass door go from heated area to outside' Columns 133 Question G-3 0 = No 1 = Yes Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,301 70,700,000 1 1,521 36,300,000 DOOR1SUM 'Number of sliding glass doors' Columns 135 Question G-3a 0-10 = Number of sliding doors Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 3,301 70,700,000 1 1,207 28,400,000 2 224 5,600,000 3 62 1,500,000 4 18 500,000 5 3 Q 6 5 Q 7 1 Q 8 1 Q Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. WINDOWS 'Number of windows' Columns 137 Question G-4 1 = 1 or 2 2 = 3 to 5 3 = 6 to 9 4 = 10 to 19 5 = 20 or 29 6 = 30 or more 0 = None Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 7 Q 1 124 3,300,000 2 506 11,800,000 3 1,188 26,900,000 4 2,299 49,800,000 5 509 11,000,000 6 189 3,900,000 Q = Data withheld because fewer than 10 observation in the category. ADQINSUL 'Respondent perception of home insulation' Columns 139 Question G-5 1 = Well insulated 2 = Adequately insulated 3 = Poorly insulated 4 = No insulated 6 = Don't know Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 1,882 42,600,000 2 1,947 43,100,000 3 904 19,400,000 4 47 900,000 6 42 900,000 ZADQINSU 'Imputation Flag for ADQINSUL' Columns 141 0 = Not Imputed 2 = EIA Imputed Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 0 4,822 107,000,000 DRAFTY 'How often find your home too drafty during winter' Columns 143 Question G-6 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = Some of the time 4 = Never 6 = Don't know Number Weighted Of Number of Value Observations Households 1 284 5,900,000 2 298 6,400,000 3 1,607 34,600,000 4 2,426 55,300,000 6 207 4,700,000