BLDGID2 Building ID STR402 Half-sample stratum PAIR402 Half-sample pair number SQFTC2 Square footage $SQFTC17. BCWM2C Principal activity $BCWOM25. YRCONC2C Year constructed $YRCONC15 REGION2 Census region $REGION13 XSECWT2 Cross-sectional weight ELSUPL2N Supplier reported electricity use $YESNO15. NGSUPL2N Supplier reported natural gas use $YESNO15. FKSUPL2N Supplier reported fuel oil use $YESNO15. STSUPL2N Supplier reported steam use $YESNO15. PRSUPL2N Supplier reported propane use $YESNO15. IMPYR2 Imputed year built $YESNO15. IMPYRC2 Imputed year category $YESNO15. IMPPG2 Imputed over 50% glass $YESNO15. IMPPGC2 Imputed over 25/75% glass $YESNO15. IMPNOF2 Imputed number of floors $YESNO15. IMPSF2 Imputed square footage $IMPSF26. IMPSFC2 Imputed square footage cat. $IMPSF26. IMPNW2 Imputed no. of workers $IMPNW19. IMPNWC2 Imputed no. of workers cat. $YESNO15. IMPMON2 Imputed Monday schedule $YESNO15. IMPTUE2 Imputed Tuesday schedule $YESNO15. IMPWED2 Imputed Wednesday schedule $YESNO15. IMPTHU2 Imputed Thursday schedule $YESNO15. IMPFRI2 Imputed Friday schedule $YESNO15. IMPSAT2 Imputed Saturday schedule $YESNO15. IMPSUN2 Imputed Sunday schedule $YESNO15. IMPHP2 Imputed percent heated $YESNO15. IMPCP2 Imputed pct. air conditioned $YESNO15. IMPBL2 Imputed boilers $YESNO15. IMPNBL2 Imputed no. of boilers $YESNO15. IMPNFT2 Imputed no. of fuel oil tanks $YESNO15. IMPCAP2 Imputed fuel oil capacity $YESNO15. IMPSFD2 Imputed square footage change $YESNO15. IMPHFN2 Imputed heat with furnace/boiler $YESNO15. IMPFIO2 Imputed furnace inside or outside $YESNO15. IMPSU2 Imputed self-contained unit $YESNO15. IMPDUC2 Imputed heat distd. thru ducts $YESNO15. IMPFAN2 Imputed heat distd. with fans $YESNO15. IMPBAS2 Imputed heat distd. via baseboards $YESNO15. IMPEB2 Imputed electric baseboards $YESNO15. IMPHWB2 Imputed hot water baseboards $YESNO15. IMPSB2 Imputed steam baseboards $YESNO15. IMPRAD2 Imputed heat distd. via radiators $YESNO15. IMPWFC2 Imputed heat distd. via panels $YESNO15. IMPCWN2 Imputed window A/C units $YESNO15. IMPCWL2 Imputed wall A/C units $YESNO15. IMPCST2 Imputed cooling system type $YESNO15. IMPBLT2 Imputed A/C manufacture $YESNO15. IMPMNT2 Imputed regular maintenance $YESNO15. IMPCMP2 Imputed control by computer $YESNO15. IMPPA2 Imputed professional audit $YESNO15. IMPTA2 Imputed type of auditor $YESNO15. IMPUA2 Imputed utility audit available $YESNO15. IMPCA2 Imputed response to audit $YESNO15. IMPOCC2 Imputed number of establishments $YESNO15. IMPFED2 Imputed federal govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPST2 Imputed state govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPLOC2 Imputed local govt. occupancy $YESNO15. IMPGOV2 Imputed government ownership $YESNO15. IMPBN2 Imputed presence of new boilers $YESNO15. IMPNBN2 Imputed number of new boilers $YESNO15.